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If we could only teach the carp in Utah Lake to Fly
If the carp in Utah Lake could fly, we could have a fun carp tourney like the one they have in Illinois.

[url ""]Link to article:[/url]

Be sure to watch the video.
[:p]Thats funny. One good way to get rid of the carp. Let them jump in your boat![cool]
i was talking to a buddy of mine that i work with in St Louis.. he said they get 1 or 2 guy's setting in the boat with padles and see how meny they can bat out of the air as they are going down the river.. sounded like a lot of fun.. [sly].. i guess i'll have to give it a try some time.. [cool]
ok, i used my vastly artistic skill to illustrate what kind of tourney this should be, i hope you like it enjoy!!

oh yea, you accumilate points for distance!
A carp beating party, ya gotta love it.[Wink]
[:p]Hey can we do that on the Colorado River? How do you make the fish jump so that we can catch them?[Image: bobwink.gif]
[cool][#0000ff]Great idea, but I would rather be the batter rather than delegated to driving the machine of destruction.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is nice to have dark hair again (in your diagram).[/#0000ff]

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