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Jordanelle PWC area
[cool][#0000ff]The "Three Tube-a-teers" hit the PWC ramp area at Jordanelle this morning. When I got there just after 5 AM, Tlspyder13 was already there, trying to set up his tube in the dark. I shined my car lights on his efforts to speed up the process. LloydE cruised in right behind me and we were all on the water just after 5:30. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Lovely sunrise, very light breeze, air temp mid 50's, water temp 69. A few fish smacking the surface. Likely mostly chubs. Tlspyder13 caught a chub as the first fish of the day...and the first fish jinx didn't help him much. I started off by catching several little smallmouth by casting spinners and jigs near shore. Most were about 7-8 inches long. One might have pushed 10...or dragged it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Usually by this time of year the perch are abundant and active around the PWC ramp and there are plenty of decent smallies to keep them company. For awhile this morning I did not know whether my new Humminbird 565 was broken or if someone had vacuumed up all the fishies. Pretty blank screen from shallow out to 30 feet.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]How about Lloyd? That sunnuvagun had the nerve to take the advice I had given him and he was out in deeper water bottom bouncing a pale perch road runner...with worm. You would think he was on Starvation, fishing for walleyes. But, the trout didn't think so. They kept smackin' that roadrunner and Lloyd kept whoopin' and hollerin'. The trout were all decent sized and full of energy. He took top rod honors for the day with 5 rainbows, keeping 4 nice ones that anyone would be proud to invite home for dinner.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Wondering if the quarry area might hold more fish, we kicked over there and allowed ourselves to endure more abuse and disdain. A few more smallettes. No perch. I think we all caught a few of the dinky smallies.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The power squadron started tuning up about 9 AM and we were getting the rock-a-bye treatment on glassy calm water. Somethin' wrong with that picture. So, with the complete lack of any fishy action for any of us...for the last hour...we decided we had overfunned early and were off the water by about 10:30.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]At least none of us went home smelling like skunk.[/#0000ff]
Nice report TD. I am planning a trip there in the third week of august. Be there for a few days.
[cool]It's too bad that the perchkis and smallies weren't more cooperative today. Also surprised that you didn't nail any browns... It really seems like the perchery there is way down the past two years... What say you on that, TD? Any thoughts?
Nice report, the perch is few and far between at Jordanelle this year...

I was up there fishing in a tournament, I'll post about later...
[cool][#0000ff]There has not been much good perch jerkin' for the past couple of years at Jordanelle...hard water or soft water. But, there is always hope.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Not too many browns in shallower inshore waters during the summer. They go deep and feed mostly at night. When it cools off in the fall we will see more action on them...just before they head upriver to spawn.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, we heard that Angry crowd of mosquitoes on steroids buzzing up the lake toward Rock Cliff. We were glad we were not in the path of you power mad wackos.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you did well.[/#0000ff]
Not great but Okay..[Wink]

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