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crod, Weiss and Guntersviille, Bass, July 25th thru August 2nd
Took a week off to fish. Spent most of the time on Weiss and did ok most days. The only way I could catch a decent sack of fish is flipping. Most docks were empty. A few however had bass daily. It is funny how some docks ( brush or no brush) hold fish for no apparenr reason that I can figure out. Most days on Weiss I would have five that would weigh fifteen or so pounds. I did have a couple of twenty pound days (flipping docks and logs on the coosa side). Best baits were jigs and super hawgs. I did find fish on some ledges in little river. Had one day with a best five (spots ) weighing app. twenty pounds. Thought I had em pegged and went back the next day and caught one three pounder. Moved up and down the ledge and never could find that school of fish again. Best bait was a carolina rig. Grrr. I hate dragging a rig. I did fish a couple of days on Guntersville and the fish came much easier. Caught over fifty each trip, with the best five each day exceeding twenty pounds. Never caught a huge fish. Six lbs or so was the largest. Caught most of those swimming an ole monster in green punkin. Fished both back water and river ledges. Probably should have thrown a crank more but was lazy fishin on vacation. Crod

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