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2010 Burbot Bash
I've heard a few of you express interest in another Burbot Bash(BB) this coming year but I would like to gage the interest in total numbers. Would everyone that is interested in a BB this coming January please respond to this thread, thanks.
Probably interested
I would like to try it.
I would like to try it!!!!
Yep! But you have to PROMISE to start organizing earlier this year. [Wink]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 81 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
so is it a bash or a derby?if it was done by another outfit beside's BFT iam sure i could get a few together but being anti BFT these days i guess iam a no go on this one look's like you got all the now how you need LMFAO but if it is a derby i guess i could take your money.[cool]
Hey Bob, I thought that is what I was doing now[crazy]. Actually I've contacted the Rock Springs and the Green River chamber of commerce plus some sponsors but I thought I would use this thread to see what members were thinking and their interest. If your interested in helping again this year, we need to talk about what organizing you want to do to help make next years Bash better than this year event was.
Hey Ash, As I told you in my last PM to you, I don't mind running the Burbot Bash in conjunction with a derby but you would need to run the derby. I would think that some of the guys coming to the Bash would be interested in being in a derby. Thanks for your help with the first Bash, sorry to hear about your anti BFT feeling.
Myself and 3 or 4 others will be going again. Had a blast last bash, even with the smell of skunk that followed us all the way home[pirate] Thanks for putting events like this together.
About all it will take to get my brothers there again is give them a date when it gets closer.
Thats too bad. Always looked forward to your reports about the Burbot and how to catch them. 90 percent of how my brothers and I fished the last bash was from reading your posts.
[quote wiperhunter2]Hey Bob, I thought that is what I was doing now[crazy].[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Hey Curt,[/size][/#800000][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]I was just pulling your chain a little. Did you not see the [Wink]? Let's get together next week and talk about it. We can meet for breakfast, lunch, or fishing - your call.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 81 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Too bad the kokes are off limits at the Pig[unimpressed] but a fishing trip sounds good. I'll PM you later and we can make some plans.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]An email would be quicker. [fishin][/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 81 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
you can allways pm me and if i like you i will give you a report i will post reports but on other not so strickt forums were i can say what i want and not get the ban. lol if i wanted too take there bs i would join them in church on a sunday but i will be fishing on a sunday god save me lmfao thay forget so soon who showed every one what was up with these ling so i did my part the pro's are on there own [Wink] Ryno i hate to tell you this but fire hole suck's we have never had a 50+fish night there but from the confluence to anvil it is very possible to have 150+ fish night's.If i was you and wanted to thin them out i would push the issue that thay can be caught out of a boat real easy and it is a great time of the yr to do it while the koke's are staging and geting ready to spawn. these fish are lake wide now so start lookin at other spot's beside's fire hole and the confluence.
[quote wiperhunter2] Thanks for your help with the first Bash, sorry to hear about your anti BFT feeling.[/quote]
Can you blame him Curt?
i still aint got my rod i won wtf[pirate] lol every one want's some thing for nothing well it's takein me a ton of time and money to learn what i gave away. your all very welcome.[:/]
Ash, I told everyone that won something all they needed to do was contact me with their name and address and I would mail it to them. You never said boo to me about wanting the rod but guess what, I still have it and you are more than welcome to it, if you send me your contact info as I said.
I might be interested, depends upon date. WIll know when it gets closer.
hey Curt do me a favor and just give that rod to the first kid you see and get them started iam not worried about it at all and would much rather see a kid get it than some one like me that has a a rod or 2 thank's ash and good luck this yr the burbot are big and lake wide had a buddy get a10lber at holmes that was 36'' long.later it's hunting season.

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