08-23-2009, 09:00 AM
John Johnston and his wife are planning to move to Chattanooga or Cleveland from Wisconsin. He loves to fish and wanted to &quot;sample&quot; the waters while they are pondering the move. So sample we did.<br /><br />It was an EXTREMELY slow start today. As per normal weekend generation schedule... we had dead water until they cranked on a couple at 8 am, but not much. They punched &#39;em up a little bit at 9, and that&#39;s when we started catching our fish.<br /><br />John and I both had to quit today by Noon, and the bite was just getting started. We were releasing, but I actually counted fish today. We had a grand total of fifteen catfish... the majority of them, and all the better fish, came in the last hour. Drifting my typical chicken breast in 12 to 25 feet of water.<br /><br />I&#39;d say on weekends these days, your better bite is going to come in the afternoon... if you can stand the emoSun .<br />