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Youth duck hunt
For any of you that take kids out on the youth duck hunt, it is a week early this year. It will be on Sept. 19th, 2 weeks before the opener instead of 1 week.
That is fabulous news. Now the birdies will have more time to chill out before the rest of the planet gets to hunt them. I really feel cheated, not having my duckies layed out on a silver platter when I was a youth, or given the oppertunity to wield a shotgun as soon as my baby teeth came in.
Do I sense some sarcasm? I hope I do because you sound like a baby yourself. I don't have any problems with the youth hunt, infact it is a great way to focus on the kids not that I have any old enough but I take out fathers with kids who can. Sorry, this just pulls a bad chord with me.
Haven't seen you on here for ages! Right on man!

Quit being a selfish bass turd, there are plenty of ducks for "The rest of the Planet" to hunt and shoot. Pull up your pampers and go hunting [:p]
All of my kids are older now. I coach a girls fast pitch team in the spring and summer and apparantly I have several hunters on the team. my brother in law and myself will be taking 4 girls out this year that have never been duck hunting before.
I don't think you big tough gentlemen are quite getting my point are you? I'm all for kids getting a chance to kill some birds, I'd be happy to take some hunting myself. It's just the puss-ification of america that I'm talking about. We can put this one in the same category as eliminating one of the coolest games ever from school P.E. classes: dodgeball.

A shotgun is a pretty serious weapon to be handing over to someone 12 years old, let alone someone younger. My childhood wasn't any less rich having to tag along with my dad and watch him be the one to pull the trigger til I was 12. It was a great learning oppertunity. THEN when I finally did get the go ahead to hunt myself, I went out there with all the big boys, and did it with them. And believe it or not, they let me shoot some birds too.

I'm guessing it was probably due to one of these reasons that led to the beginning of the youth hunt: A) the outdoors have shrunk down so much and the outdoorsmen have increased in # so much that it's too crowded out there and too tough of competition for youngsters on a normal opening day; and/or B) the "grownups" who are taking kids out hunting are too selfish to put their own greed for killing on the back burner, so that the kids are having fun and getting lots of good shots.

I just think it's pretty Sad that either of these things could have happened to the extent that we had to create a special day(s) when only kids could hunt.

I didn't mean to come off sounding like a jerk, I'd hate to ever get a reputation on here like some people have.[:p]
Youth hunts are great. Its one of the few "Hunting" regulations I agree with; good job DWR!!!

I have shot enough stinkin' ducks anyway...... Great to see kids get an opportunity to have a hunt to themselves.
You're right, there is tons of hunting pressure these days and it would be kinda hard for kids to have the real "Hunting Experience" during the general season. So that's exactly why they have incorporated this program. Kids that have a great time and shoot some ducks will want to hunt in the future. These kids are our future and we should support any program that supports them. Even if it means they get to hunt before we do. There's really nothing to complain about here [Wink]
I think it's a great thing. I've thoroughly enjoyed each of them that I've been on. Even more so than the hunts that I am able to shoot on. My daughter has no problem hanging with the adults during the regular season, but the youth hunt was a great opportunity to do some teaching.
[quote Got_Bait]
I didn't mean to come off sounding like a jerk, I'd hate to ever get a reputation on here like some people have.[:p][/quote]

I'm guessing by this statement you are referring to me and my reputation as a member of BFT.
People may dislike me on here, people may think i'm a jerk too (or worse). The fact is, I speak my mind. Some people hate me for it and that's fine with me. This is a public forum and everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. I may have a strong opinion on some subjects and I'm not afraid to be heard. That's all there is to it.

So my opinion is that this youth program is a great program and I support it all the way. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. [Wink]
[quote HookJaw_Brimhall] This is a public forum and everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. [/quote]

You're exactly right here. People should be able to share their opinions and reports here, and not have to worry about getting into argument or being called a liar.

I'm a fairly optimistic person, so I don't really think that sharing our opinions should ever be cause for being disliked. I think that happens when people try to force their opinions, or just flat out aren't courteous.
An "opinion", and a "Lie" are little different. I have no problem with opinions, but lies are disrespectful and misleading to others on the forums.
Agreed. I still can't figure out why anyone would come one here and put up posts and lie in them. I guess either to make themselves look cooler than they really are, or to keep people out of their favorite spots. It's the "cool" thing I don't understand, I can relate to not wanting the whole world at your favorite little spot - especially if it is a pressure sensitive spot.

I was reading a post a while back that Leaky put up about bass fishing. He had a pretty decent day, gave a pretty good detailed report, but didn't want to disclose where it was. At first I thought what a party pooper. But the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated his honesty.

It's unfortunate that people would ever give false information on here, but I would imagine that the administrators of this site haven't appointed someone to blow the whistle on these folks for a reason.

Sorry about getting off the subject here.
I am going to guess taking the youth out hunting is just as much fun as hunting yourself or funner , my little guy isn't old enough yet. I sure did enjoy hunting with my dad when I was a little trooper, and was able to learn hunter safety years before I even took the class. I aslo enjoyed hunting with the big boys on opening day. I believe the youth hunt is $$ oriented. I believe the program makes the kids happy, but they would be just as happy if dad could shoot to. Just my opinion, no lies here, so please no attacks from the individuals who like to belittle people[:p]
There are lots of states that have youth hunts in the middle or end of the season. If it's not about killing ducks and just the opportunity to get out on a day of their own. I vote for a later date for those wanting to participate. Early season goose hunt makes more sense to me. What's up with 15% of the swan tags going to the youth? I understand that if the parent puts in, as a group they are in the adult pool, but 300 tags going to kids under 15! I don't agree with that.

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