08-27-2009, 09:00 AM
Took off right after work and got in the water about 3:30 as usual yesterday after reading about all these big fish caught and weighed in over the weekend. I hoped I would have the same fortune so I started out ptching trees in a park that I usually fish early and late in the year and didn't get much but a few short fish. Moved out toward the river channell where I had been catching some good keepers schooling shad but more shorts. Rode up to WT area and had the same luck around the islands and the rip rap on 58 hwy. About 7:00 I thought I would get back to the lower end and try the old schooler spot again just hoping to even find a keeper fish emoScratch. Well the spot I fish I mark with one of the green secondary channell bouys and when I could see it it looked like white caps but there were no big boats around emoQuestion. Turns out as I got closer the surface was exploding and it looked like hundreds of bass hitting the top. I usually cut the boat off and troll in closer but this time I ran right into the frenzy that also had gulls participating and started chunking a spinnerbait. I think EVERY fish I caught was a good keeper and I was catching fish as fast as I could unhook them emoThumbsup. Some of the fish really fooled me on their size because they were simply so fat. I thought I had some really good fish and it would just be a 15 or 16 inch spot! I caught fish on the spinnerbait until dark and called it a night. Temp was 85 and the water was 81 all decent fish were caught in 9 to 13 fow on football jig and spinnerbait. Lots of fun but no bigguns just good numbers.