08-30-2009, 09:00 AM
Day two of our dive into cat fishing. We took Spur&#39;s advice about the chicken breasts, and sure enough they are tough as nails when it comes to staying on the hook. We did have a little better luck today and I landed my first cat (more like a kitten, wasn&#39;t too big emoCool )!!! Wes caught two cats, one about an hour before mine..then all of the sudden both of our lines dipped down and we both bagged one at the same time!<br /><br /> We went all the way up to the dam and just drifted back, however with the small Johnson 6hp it took us 20 minutes to get from Lupton City boat ramps up to the dam..this was a bit of a process with that current running so hard. Thank goodness I got my other motor back from the shop today...I need more speed! <br /><br />(haha on a side note...as we were passing the River Park..people were walking on the sidewalk and moving faster than we were going upstream... frustrating, embarrasing, and pretty funny emoDoh )<br /><br />We&#39;re still working on our technique and and advice on where/how we should be drifting would be very helpful!