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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. --The Colorado Wildlife Commission will establish the final framework pertaining to the 2010-2014 Big Game Season Structure and decide whether to limit elk licenses in some units at its regular meeting on Thursday, Sept. 10 in Colorado Springs.

The meeting will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2886 S. Circle Drive.

The Commission will also set mountain lion harvest quotas for the 2009-2010 hunting season and regulations allowing and establishing a permitting process for the hunting of mountain lions within the Uncompahgre Mountain Lion Research Area. The area has been closed to hunting for the past several years as part of the research.

Other final action to be considered by the Commission will include regulations adding gray fox and swift fox to the list of species that may be taken at night with the use of artificial light.

The Commission is scheduled to adopt final management alternatives which will provide the framework for hunting of deer, elk, pronghorn and bear for 2010-2014. The Commission's decisions will provide the basis for regulatory development for these species until 2014. Hunt codes and season dates for the 2010 big game seasons will be finalized in January of 2010. License numbers for 2010 deer, elk, pronghorn and bear seasons will be finalized in May of 2010.

The Commission is also scheduled to discuss elk management alternatives for Game Management Units 54, 55 and 551 north of Gunnison, including a decision on whether to limit the number of elk licenses available for sale or continue to allow an unlimited number of elk licenses to be purchased over the counter.

The Commission reminds the public that it will continue to accept public comment on the Big Game Season Structure. Comment may be given on any aspect of the season structure. People who wish to comment should fill out a "blue sheet" --Request to speak before the Wildlife Commission--and give it to any Division of Wildlife staff member. Time of testimony may be limited by the Commission Chair. Speakers are generally asked to limit their remarks to three minutes.

Constituents can listen to Commission meetings and workshops through the Division's Web site. This opportunity is provided to keep constituents better informed about the development of regulations by the Commission and how they and the DOW staff are resolving issues facing Colorado's wildlife.

People can listen to live audio feeds of the meetings by clicking on the "listen to audio" link on the "Wildlife Commission" Web page during the meeting. Broadcasts are only available during the meeting.

To view the entire agenda for the September Commission Meeting, please visit:

The Colorado Wildlife Commission is an 11-member board appointed by the governor. The Commission sets Division of Wildlife regulations and policies for hunting, fishing, watchable wildlife, nongame, threatened and endangered species. The Commission also oversees Division of Wildlife land purchases and property regulations.


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