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#2 for the Omega
Wednesday night I found a 24" 3x3 that I was able to get. His left side is a little funky, he has a small hook right by the split, and a short 3rd on the G1. I shot him at 125 yards, with a 250gr. Hornady SST. Droped right in his tracks. Spent the next few hours boning and packing him out. Almost forgot; Northern tag, public land, no guides.
[inline "Resize of 09 Deer hunt 009.jpg"]
Nice and tall plus very unique.
Nice buck.
Very Nice!![Smile]
Nice! Kinda looks like the Morgan area [cool]
Nope, not in Morgan county. I said public land, and there sure isn't much of that in Morgan!!
nice buck. have any side shots of him? id like to see them if so. [Wink]
Nice buck dude. Especially the "no guides, public land" part. Good on ya.

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