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[cool]Only two months away. While I would have liked to get in more softwater fishing this year, my funds have been extremely limited, but just as a better job is coming, it's just in time for the hard deck! I can't wait!!
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Funny you bring up this topic because I drug the ice gear out and gave it the once over today..
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man I been waiting for ice fishing season since the last one ended. It doesn't help that it snowed up here already on wednesday.
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I'm always looking forward to the ice fishing season. It is always great at ice on. I can't wait!
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You know I'm headed to Sacramento tomorrow for three months. The only good thing I see about this is there is a ton of fishing to be had out there and when I get back the hard deck season will be ready and waiting.
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I'm way ahead of ya buddy. I started thinking about ice fishing a month ago when it was 90 friggin' degrees.
C'mon ice!
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Um...does that mean I was supposed to put that stuff away???
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I'm from Vernal, didn't know ice fishing season had ended.....
I am ready to go. I was searching around the internet for an Eskimo Quick Fish 6. Does anyone know of a used one for sale? I would be interested.
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i for one am look forword to the ice this year.. as i am every year.. after the crapy summer i had this year.. i'm hopeing for a good ice season again this year.. still need to get the new traler made up for the snowmobile tho.. i guess i'll have to get on that soon.. [sly]
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I just bought a new camera for ice fishing as my other one kept freezing in really cold water. Got an olympus stylus tough camera and it works to 14 degrees and has the added benefit of being waterproof to 10 feet right out of the box. Great camera for float tubing since it is waterproof and you don't have to worry about rain or snow as well.
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I guess I'm the odd one...I'm not looking for it, I want soft water and thinking of selling my ice fishing stuff...
Why well no good perch fishing it seems and if I ice fish that is about all I go for..
.I can make a few trips to powell, or even Jordanelle but last year they wouldn't clean the PWC ramp so we could launch boats...Well I have a few trips to Mexico and maybe the gorge till it freezes...
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WOO HOO! I can't wait. I have to admit i did enjoy much more softwater fishing than most years but nothin' south of Alaska compares to the ice for me! The frost on my windshield the last two mornings meant two things...fall steelhead...then ICE FISHING! I'm excited for those steelies but I can't wait to try pulling a bunch of Toothy Tigers through the ice again this year!
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I waxed my sled a week ago today (much easier when it is hot than when it is cold). Can't wait to try out my new-to-me Marcum and I will be ordering a new contraption in a couple days. In the meantime I will still enjoy the soft water.
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[cool]Ktrout, I've heard about those Olympus tough cameras that are supposed to do better in the cold weather. How much did you pick yours up for? How many mega-pixels is it? I was thinking of getting a Blackberry soon and was just going to use that as my digital cam for a while but I don't know how it would do in the cold...
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[cool]I understand where you are coming from Cliff, you basschaser, you. However, I think I always recall you saying that stuff this time of year, but then as soon as Turkey Day rolls around (or even a few days before) you are always the first one to drive by Huntington because you are getting excited for first ice (even if it's slimers).
I think that (and am REALLY hoping) that Echo might surprise us this year for perch. I think we're still a year or two away for Rockport returning to good perch ice fishing but i hope I am wrong...[:/] For some reason I am REALLY excited to catch those pancake sized bluegills through the ice at Pelican, even though last year I hit a deer by Starvation (DAMNIT!!![pirate][pirate]) on my way there...
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[cool] Oh yeah, that's right, I remember several reports from you last year from Newton and Pineview of you getting some lunker tigers through the ice! I might have to buy your gas, lunch, beer, whatever to see if you could teach me a thing or two on them...whattaya say?
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Hey cliff...doesn't this get you even a little bit excited for ice fishing?