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Wyoming Brown
Here's a few pictures of a 10 1/2 pound German Brown I recently caught in my favorite Wyoming stream. The fish measured 28-inches long and had a 16-inch girth. I caught this fish by myself after a 25 minute fight and all the pictures were taken with the self-timer. I've caught some browns in the 7 to 8 pound range before but never anything like this. Needless to say, it will be going on the wall even though I hated to harvest this fish. I'm having serious regrets about keeping him and would feel much better if he was still terrorizing the spawning grounds.
Great looking brown, what did you use to catch it? WH2
Nice Toad!![cool]
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111!!!!!!!!!! congrats on a gorgeous brown!!!
[cool]AWESOME brown!! I've heard that the best chance to catch a monster brown in rivers is at night. I guess this kind of confirms that hunch! That's about the size of the brown that BassAckward lost right under the ice at Jordanelle 3 years ago...
Beautiful fish.
Don't feel bad, those 7's and 8's will fill in his spot in due time.

Care to disclose the area? Green River maybe?
Not asking for the spot, just within 100 miles or so.
Nice fish, congrats. I think he will look awesome on your wall.

I fully believe in the after-dark theory. I'll fish the same holes at sunset and rarely pick up anything big. But not long after the sun has gone down the big ones will start hitting. This fish was caught at 7:45pm.

Congrats, pretty fish, should make a nice mount.
Magnificient fish!

While I understand the reservations about keeping a great specimen like that, if it makes you feel any better that bad boy probably was taking more out of the resource that it was puttig back in - at least at that stage of its life.

Thanks for sharing.
190" Buck

350" Bull

10lb brown

Those three are the ultimate trophy's in my book. Don't feel guilty, sounds like you release a lot of other fish. I don't blame you one bit.

I have a "spot" in Wyoming as well. I am going to be putting hunting a side and head up there in the next few weeks. Congrat's on a great fish..
I'm happy for you and jealous of you all at the same time! What a monster. Congratulations on that beast.

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