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My brother and I are going to head up fishing Sunday morning just wanted to know what all do we need besides the tag's Lic?? Any special gear??? Ive been told that ROE works good, spinners and such.. Also where would be a good spot??? We are in Pocatello and would like to know where would be the closest spots to try thanks for everyone's help.......
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As far as tackle to take with you make sure you have plenty of lead & hooks... I prefer smaller for steelhead size 2 or 4 for hooks but I think alot of others prefer a little bigger presentation... I would make sure you have some jigs and bobbers as well, very popular for steelhead.... Spinners most like #4's or #5's in blue fox or mepps, I try to make my own spinners and for winter fish I do prefer bigger brighter spinners unless in low water conditions then I'll switch over to smaller darker colors... You might even want to try plugs, Wiggle warts or brads wigglers seem to be the most popular.. Hope this helps ya...
I may try the Boise this weekend if they stock it with steelhead if not I may head to hells canyon dam and do some combat fishing I hear the fish are there as well as riggins area pretty good now...
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Salmon area is closest. I like fishing the hole at Tower Rock campground, just down stream from Salmon. There's also the Lemhi hole in town, on the downstream side of town. It's marked w/ a sportsmans access sign. Lot of areas along the river all the way downstream from Salmon to end of the road.
Roe is popular, but very messy. I like to use prawns from the grocery store (uncooked) for bait. Just cut it up in 1/2 inch or so chunks. using an egg loop knot just cinch the loop down on the shrimp. I'll add a pink, white or silver corky to it as well at the top of the hook. Another option is to use soft plastic helgramites w/ a silver corky. Any of these I'll put on a 1 1/2 ft -2 ft leader going to a pencil lead for weight (attached by a swivel) then main line tied also to the swivel/weight. Just adjust the size of the weight for the flow and depth you are in. I usually like the #2 hooks, but have used the #4 size as well, in the octopus hooks. Have used #2 in baitholder hooks when using this technique w/ nightcrawlers (also can be effective).
Hope some of this helps.
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ty so much, Ill have to give this a try. Do you have to have any leaders or special leaders like for muskie or anything like this?? Ive never fished for these guys i keep reading all of these reports and decided i better go out and try thanks again...
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i use leader but not steel like for muskie, say i am using 12 lb test i use a 10 lb leader. if your down in preston go down to cutom sports in hyde park he has all the diffrent ways to rig up already tied and there on display and has everything you would need to get started.
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Right on!! Thanks man!
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hey thanks a lot ill talk with my bro and decide what he wants to do. Im sure he wont having a little bit of help. Thank you so much for willing to help out... Ill let you know thanks again.
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I will right your name in the dirt on my tailgate, then you can't miss my truck.
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Right on!!! I see you are from Preston? Me to how long you been there?? i Grad in 99
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I've lived here for 2 years, came from Blackfoot before that. We'll chat on the river, I'm OUTTA HERE!