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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]We all know (or we all hear) about how superstitious people can be, in particular athletes. We hear stories of how this player will wear certain clothing all the time, or how that player does the exact same routine down to the second before a game etc...[/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]My question is how superstitious, or not, are you when it comes to fishing? [/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]I know for myself I use to be aware of colors worn, or time of day, or solunar charts movements etc.. Im not saying none of that is important because we all know to some extent all or most of it is .. but.. for me anyway I have found a really simple solution... and I call them my [url ""][size 4][#ff0000]"fishin nuts"[/#ff0000][/size][/url] [angelic] .... now I know that sounds just crazy but hear me out... [/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]just over two years ago I was fishing with MacLarry on a little stream near his house in TN... my luck was so - so at best.. then he found my fishin nuts for me... honest.. he looked down at the bank of the stream and picked up my fishin nuts and tossed them to me and said.. here ya go.. these will bring you good luck ... I put my fishin nuts in my pocket and to my amazement I started catching fish.. it was amazing... [/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]well since that point I have or at least try to make sure I have my fisin nuts with me whenever I am on the water...[/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]... now I know all of this sounds silly and made up but a week ago this past Sunday (Sunday before Thanksgiving) MacLarry and I were fishing on a local small lake. He got one little nibble and into a fight with a rat that wanted his beef jerky. Me, all I got was a rock chink in a brand new Rio Grand fly line three or four lost flies and that was it. [/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]As we were going back to my truck I realized I did not have my fishin nuts with me. They were no where to be found [mad]. Well I finally found them in the combination exercise/storage/fly fishing/tying room and made sure and put them in a place where I could get to them easily.[/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]The following day (Monday) MacLarry and I went on a guided shark fishing trip and I made sure and had my fishin nuts in my pocket. We were out on the water all day and the fishing was slow. In fact at one point it looked like the small mako I caught was gonna be the only one (I think the guide making fun of my fishin nuts hurt their feelings). But, after some extra rubbing and chanting and praying with my fishin nuts MacLarry was able to hook into a seven foot one hundred and twenty pound blue shark that definately gave him a run for his money.[/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]So, again my question is are you a superstitious angler and if so how so????[/#0000bf][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][#0000bf]MacFly [cool][/#0000bf][/font]
[Image: whistle.gif][inline embarrassed.bmp]
embarassing ?? how so mi amigo?? [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
Well, hmmmmmmm ,soooo rubbing your nuts really
helps I see..................[Smile]
Maybe I will rub my nuts next time and see what
Oh wait, wrong nuts...........................[pirate]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: sleepy.gif]Peter answered your question. lol[/#008000][/font]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]Sorry Mac I'm a little punch drunk after doing a factory reinstall of XP and reinstalling hundreds of programs on my desk top.[Image: sleeping.gif][/#008000][/font]
You know that you will never hear the end
of that one, right? With all due respect of course [angelic] lol

Im sorry my friend but that was just toooooooo funny.[Smile]
and its all true... honest.. but the basic question is .. do you have or are you superstitious when it comes to your fishing habits??? [Smile]

btw... I knew lots of guys and gals who flew recon missions over in the European area and a lot of them had sets of "worry beads" in their pockets and would rub them for luck and safety while on a mission... so I dont think my rubbing my fishing nuts for good luck is a bad thing.. LOL

have a great day... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
I understand mi amigo.. honestly the post started out as just asking the question about being superstitious when fishing but then I rememberd the shark fly fishing trip and MacLarry reminded me of the reference to fishing nuts.. :-) .. and as Paul Harvey says.. thats the rest of the story.. LOL... at least it is the one Im gonna stick to.. for now anyway... [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
[quote macfly55]and its all true... honest.. but the basic question is .. do you have or are you superstitious when it comes to your fishing habits??? [Smile]

btw... I knew lots of guys and gals who flew recon missions over in the European area and a lot of them had sets of "worry beads" in their pockets and would rub them for luck and safety while on a mission... so I dont think my rubbing my fishing nuts for good luck is a bad thing.. LOL

have a great day... [Smile]

MacFly [cool][/quote]

I'm just wondering how you left your nuts at home? Hmmmmmm![cool]

For me its my felt fishing hat. Even when it's cold and I'm wearing my stocking cap I will still have to have my lucky hat rolled up and in my pocket.

i think you might want to find yourself a lucky hat..less hassle that way works the same
I don't know John....that is NUTS and sounds a little fishie....LOL.

Get a Crown Royal Bag, put the nuts in there, and now you have your MoJo bag.
does it have to be a crown royal bag.. LOL.. actually I normally keep them in my wading bag but had for some reason or the other taken them out and left them on my tying desk...

MacFly [cool]
I am talking a little bag, like you wife might have for jewelry. I have like these little drawstring bags. One came with my coat for a cell phone even.
What kind of nuts are you talking?
my fishin nuts are actually the seed pods from a buckeye tree...

[center][inline buckeye-tree-nut-lg.jpg]

.. the ones I have are about the size of a walnut.. also mine are darker in color (probably dryer) ... apparently the buckeye tree is native to Ohio but is seen in other midwestern, southern states.. TN being one of them.. in TN they are not as common and often grow wild nearer to water and river/stream beds.. so in actuality kind of a rare find.. on the small stream we were fishing we figured that the tree was further upstream ... we were just lucky enough to of found some in the area of the stream we were fishing.. and since soon after I (we) picked them up the fishing picked up big time I kept them and carry them with me when I go onto the water (if I remember) ....[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Honestly I don't have any lucky nuts or anything like
I just know that when I forget my camera at home I catch
the biggest fish...........

lol.. I think we can all relate to that... :-)

MacFly [cool]
from what i heard rubbing your fishin nuts makes the lord cry.... aside from that, my lucky object if you shall is a set of MCU pants... i never fish without them!

[url ""][/url]
makes sense to me.. hopefully you wash them between trips.. [laugh]

MacFly [cool]
have not been washed since i made it to utah.. on the same note i havent been skunked since i have been in utah, coincidence?? I THINK NOT!!!!
lol.. my point exactly.. if it works why fix it.. and from what I have seen in your posts you are a fishing fool (meant in a nice way)... the fish you have been getting have been awesome...

whether its ACU's or buckeyes or a favorite hat or shirt.. its all the same.. we feel more confident with that item on us.. or in our pocket .. and if you are confident you are increasing the odds that you will catch fish..

MacFly [cool]

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