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My son and I have decided it is time to buy a power auger. We've used the hand auger the past two winters and I get tired just thinking about cranking through all that ice! Wanted to ask everyones opinion on popular models, styles, sizes, etc... any feedback (including things to avoid) will be greatly appreciated.
Can't wait to get on the ice!
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Sportsmans Warehouse sell eskimo brand auger , I bought mine there about 5 years ago . I have the 10" Shark . I think Cal Ranch sell some power augers also . You Might be able to find a good deal on E-Bay too . Curt G.
P.S. When I am out on the ice and someone next to me starts to punch holes with a hand auger . I offer to punch there hole for them . I Quit Ice Fishing until I got my Power Auger . I am to old to work that hard .
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I've had a eskimo Mako for about 5-6 years now and have never have had a problem. I Haven't fired it up yet this year but I'm sure it will have no problem. It's an 8" I just never saw a point needing a 10" Just a bigger hole to get your foot stuck in or quicker for the fish to pull your rod through.
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I have the Eskimo shark 10"er. It has been great, no problems and I have used it a bunch over the last four years. True you can lose more stuff down the 10" hole, especially with kids using the equipment (my four year old has butter fingers). On the other hand I caught a fish this year on Henrys that I doubt I would of landed without the big hole, barely got him! For most fish an 8 " will work fine, just depends on where you will be doing most of your fishing. Good Luck!
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I have a 10"er and it does grab stuff, lost a scoop last year. But when you havve the chance catch a big one I like knowing I can get it up thru the hole. Howevver a 6 o 8 would be sufficient for all the ish i really catch.
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I baught the 8" Easkimo Mako two years ago. Fires up on the first pull if I prime the bulb, choke it, and hold the throttle all the way down. I would recomend it.
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Before you cough up the big bucks for a ppower auger, look at the Nils Master Hand Auger. I just ordered one myself. All areviews I have read about it from many different sites say this thing is a beast. Cutting as fast as power augers.
I will always use a hand auger. I have never personally owned a power auger so I can't say for sure. But, the few trips where somebody has brought one something almost always goes wrong with it and fishing is a bust because of it.
I will let everyone know if this hand auger is as good as advertised.
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Once you own a good power auger, you will never go back to a hand crank auger. They are worth every penny.
The key to prevent problems is full stabalizer. If you do not use fuel stabalizer, you are asking for problems.
After buying mine, I had problems with it when it got really cold. I started using fuel stabalizer and it runs great.
I do not believe there is any hand auger in the world, that
will keep pace with a power auger.
However, in defense of the previous poster, a hand auger is lighter, always runs and is great for new ice. i am probably going to buy a hand auger for a back up.
I own an eskimo as well.... Good luck
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Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I think we will look into the Eskimo 8 incher. it looks like a good size for us. we fish for perch and bluegill as well as trout. I would really like to get into the crappie in Glendale but we have not been able to find them during the winter months yet.
great advice about the fuel stabilizer.
as far as the hand auger vs the power auger...we will carry the hand auger for backup but it sure will be nice to go fishing without breaking a sweat making a hole! the biggest benefit I see is the freedom to move about and make new holes without busting our buts drilling new holes. many is the time we have watched with envy while the power guys pack up and move to a new area only to be set up and fishing in a matter of minutes.
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After my power auger puked out on at Henrys the other day I am also buying a Nils hand auger as a back up.
Everett, you have never owned a power auger because you are young and can still take the workout a hand auger dishes out. [cool]
In all seriousness the reason I don't like hand augers...
1. I don't like to sweat.[  ] When you sweat you can end up getting cold faster. With a power auger I don't sweat and therefore keep warm all day long.
2. I like to drill tons of holes at the beginning of the day and then I prefer to not drill for the rest of the day. When I say a ton of holes I mean between 20-80 especially when I am searching for perch. I would love to see you have an 25 hole race with a power auger even with the Nils.
3. I don't like to sweat.[:p] Fishing is supposed to be relaxing and fun not a full blown work out.
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Me and My Boy,
Great question--I have one only one bit of advice do not buy the Strilemaster Lazer XL-3000! I bought it new online from Minnesota and what a piece of garbage. I would have sent it back, but it was the middle of ice season. I have spent over $150 in repairs on the 30 pound beast, and it still cuts like crap. I like the idea of fuel stabalizer, hopefully this will be the solution.
Great advice on the hand auger; please post if it is a dream machine. I often back pack into hard to reach places at Pali  es and if I could leave the beast behind I would, but my current hand auger is not the best either, and I am all about the ten inch hole; it paid off this year at Henry's.
I have heard good things about Jiffys, but have never opperated one myself.
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I have a hand auger, not becuase i don't want one but because they make my wallet uncomfortable every time i try to justify one.
But sometimes when it gets really cold, i start i just start drilling holes and it warms a fello right up, power augers don't have the same effect
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i have one to add..the electric ice augers that are out there now will drill as many holes as any gas auger with no gas mess and no starting..just push the button..i drill up 100+holes in a day on a single charge..and no noise to anger the other anglers it
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I am excited to try it out. Everyone who has used it that I know has sold their power auger shortly after buying this one. It should be cool.
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Everette I used to say that when I was young to. Wait till ya get older and that ice is 24-30" you"ll get smarter and say to yourself why the hell am I doing this without a power auger. I could still use a hand auger but why not use power I get plenty of exercise with my weight set and elipticle machine.
Also I'll talk FG up and she can be the judge
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Myself and one of my friends both own the Nils master auger and let me tell you, the reviews aren't lying. We've drilled through 2 ft of ice in just over 1 minute without working hard to do it. That thing is incredible! Whats even better is that there is a power head you can buy for it! I've seen youtube vids that show it go through about 2+feet of ice in seconds w/ that setup! All you would have to do is through in the handle in your sled if you want that as backup then if the motor runs out of gas, dies or whatever you just pop it off, put on the handle and you're back in business w/ minimal extra weight. Only problem I've found so far is the price of the power head. $450. If I ever decide to go w/ a gas auger I'm just getting the attachment and keeping my current auger!
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I have never heard of an electric auger. where do you find one? how do they compare to gas augers? how well do they hold their charge?
this is intriguing and I am very interested I especially like the quiet part.
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Hey i was looking at some electric augers and the name was icegator so check out on utube and it as some vids on it and they have a site also looks pretty cool.But they are going to cost yea.It looks like they put it on a nils auger so best of both worlds.
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yes the ice gator is that post bellow..will drill well over 150 holes on one charge..and as fast as any gas auger..yes you add your own auger end..i useed my 6 inch laser ..the bottom..hooks up easy ..i love it...but it is 389.00 check website for retailers near you..