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much needed fishing tips!!!!
I recently moved up here to northern utah, and am interested in finding out some good fishing places, If anyone can shed some light for me i would much appreciate it. I would also like to know if it is possible to catch the wipers at willard through the ice, and if so how does one go about doing it? Also i have read a lot about people catching quite a few at hyrum, but everytime i have ever gone there, i only catch 1 or 2 fish all day. Any other lake up here in the north worth fishing, any tips and info would be great.

I would recommend looking at a fishing map (DWR web site has a good one) to see what kind of fish are in which bodies of water. After you come up with a few places you want to try, look in the archives section on this site. There are reports on just about every body of water in the state, especially the ones fairly close. If you don't find what you need, post a question about a specific body of water. You are much more likely to get help that way.
+1 Good advice
You've come to the right place.[Wink]Read what others write and look into the archives, as have been previously mentioned. This should point you into the right direction. Then choose a spot and go. All the lakes and rivers here hold good fish, A little research on your part will make all the difference in your success. Good Luck![fishin]
This is a great site for info, I would be glad to walk you though some areas I have knowedge in, send a PM and we will take, I do not want to take up to much space on the gen page. I live in N-Utah...FishNCoach

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