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Hal, Chick, Crappie, 02-04-10, Drum King
Got the day off to a start of trying to put out crappie hotels but first had to cut my finger on one of the buckets and it bled like crazy for a while. Found out that all the 1st aid supplies had gotten wet and the tape wouldn't stick. There's a message there, (put your first aid kit in a sealed bag!) Sad <br />We got the hotels out and headed toward Wolftever and crappie hunting. Ran into Polo and his pup who were already on the fish, emoThumbsup We accepted his invitation to join him and caught a 2 or 3 there then headed on to find another dock that might have fish on it, We were lucky and found them but most were small, didn't make our 11" minimum boat cut, emoTongue Probably about a 25% keeper rate. Fish were hitting on a 4-6 count in 12 FOW and I was using a 1/16th jig, the plastic was a BG hologram with a char' tail light.<br />Bite was VERY subtle, most times the line just got tight as you reeled in but they did have some pretty good spirit after they realized that they were hooked, emoThumbsup It was fun to be back on the water after being off for 2 weeks with other duties.<br />Polo left us when the rain set in and went home. He called a few minutes later and said the coffee was on so we went to his house and he set us up with coffee and cookies, emoTongue Now you just can't beat that, emoSmile We enjoyed the visit and decided that the rain wasn't going to let up so headed back for the trailer, ending the day with 23 crappie. Not bad since lately they have been hard to find. Really enjoyed fishing with DK and Polo today and lookin' forward to another day fishing with them when weather conditions are better, emoThumbsup<br />BTW;<br />The bottom picture is what we had for a few days. When I got home after fishing today we still had almost all the ground still covered with snow and ice, emoRedface Maybe the rain will take it away, emoTongue I'm ready for it to leave and spring to come on, emoSmile

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