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Otter Creek anyone?
I'm giving some serious thought to taking the kids down to Otter Creek this weekend. (Ages 7 and 8). I've never ice fished there and would love some input, including ice and slush conditions.
Thanks all.
was up there last weekend and had a ball. no slush but snow was about 6 inches thick ,not to bad.
was fishing just off the bottom water was 8 10 10 ft. deep. you dont have to wonder to far out. we were about 50 yards off shore line. cought alot of small bows but also cought our limit of some fat ones also 16 to 18 inchers nice and fat. we used crawleres the whole day. weather was nice but got real cold later that after noon. headed back to panguitch where we were staying and hit a real bad snow storm,1/2 mile from panguitch i skided of the road into three feet of snow had to be pulled out by a wrecker.[Image: yell.gif]
a bad ending to a great day. have fun pm me and ill tell you where we were at.
I have never been down there either and was thinking of hitting it up this weekend as wel. Maybe we will run into each other up there. Just hope the fishing is worth the drive.
you will enjoy it no big crowds like FL. fish at the north end take road 69 right down to the shore line, has bathrooms and picnic areas. have fun.
Thanks for the help guys. Looks like I'll be going for sure now. Hey Wetyourfly, feel free to look me up if you make it down. I'm meeting a buddy there with his Grandkids so look us up. There'll be a few of us plus at least 3 boys about 8 runnin around.
I have fished the north end in the past and you dont have to go to far out.One thing i noticed about the bows there if you are not getting hit on the bottom then they are usually cruising 5 feet under the ice.I have always caught them on white jigs tipped with either meal or wax worms in the past. The last time i was there we were catching 2-3 lbers hope there still some of those around for you good luck.
yep you dont need to go to deeper water, white jigs tipped with a meal worm or crawler, or just a crawler by itself. just off the bottom or 6 ft. down. they were still there last weekend. dont put a whole lot of meat on your hook, just enough to get thier attention

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