02-11-2010, 04:32 AM
Six of us fished from noon til 6pm for the usual suspects in the usual spot. Hoping for action at dusk in 50-foot range and that's what we got, tho minimal at best. Fish started moving off bottom like they did the last two times when we nailed 'em. In fact, both parties about 300 yards apart noticed these sudden bottom movements at the same time, about 5:30pm. Yet 12 holes produced only two perch, and we were damn lucky to get those. Only 4 other bites all day. Dropped everything in front of them, light/heavy, big/small, single/double, waxie/eyeball/sliver, even some schrimp I smuggled off last Sunday's Super Bowl tray. Staying lighter longer, but still cold when that yellow ball goes down. And so it goes.