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Tube Jigs?
What are your favorite tube jigs to use while crappie fishing? Let me know what colors you like in specific conditions, or just in general.

For me, I tend to use three general colors in plastic tube baits for crappie. Both are made by Southern Pro Tackle, distributed by retailers near you.

A color map is here: [url " "] [/url]

My favorites are the:
LH38 Pumpkin Pepper/Chart.- [url ""][Image: LH38.jpg][/url]

LH33 Red/Chart. Sparkle - [Image: LH33.jpg]

LH03 Black/Chart. - [url ""][Image: LH03.jpg][/url]

I get the 1" and 1.5" sizes, and couple them with 1/32oz horse head jigs with red hooks.

Let me know some of your best tube jigs
So how are you involved with these tubes?
Well, I fish with them. And honestly, quite a bit.

I don't know if your question was in relation to spamming their links on this site (I think in two posts) - I just like their product.

If you really wanted to know though, I'm starting a site right now that sells tubes through Bass Pro, and I collect a sweet commission.

I was planning on people populating this thread with great content realted to "tubes"... not to mention possible pick up a color or two to give a shot at.

After that, I guess somewhere along the line put a link to my "tubes" site somewhere in a signature. Seeing as how this post would get a little link juice for the term.

Hope it hasn't been ruined by the "affiliation" you've found between me and some awesome tubes.
Interesting reply.

Well I had the best result the other day with all white and all yellow, but like a lemon moraign and red and white. I have tried putting some cotton in the tube and squeezing some scent on it.

So now that you've expressed your direction with starting this post we'll see where it goes.
I've never thought about the cotton in the tube, nor have I used scents on tubes fishing for crappie.

Care to share specifics? I'm really interested in the cotton.
I tie on a weighted ig on the bottom and a drop shot hook above the slip a tube over the drop shot hook and stuff some cotton from a cotton ball in the tube and have used anise scent but any would work to soak the cotton.
I use the same general setup as far as size and jig weight, but if crappie fishing, I usually put them under a bobber. For color, I use light and dark blue, bubblegum pink and black and chartreuse. Seems to work well here in PA. I like the idea with the cotton, gonna have to try that.
[font "Arial"][#000000][size 2]It's probably a local thing but I catch more crappie on this jig than any other color. I rig two of them about a foot apart with a clear float on slightly windy days and play around until I find their depth.[/size][/#000000][/font]

[inline CST08.jpg]
Hot Pink and pearl tube jig.
I learned how to fish for crappie on Lake Charles in northeastern Arkansas. My grandfather lives out that way. It is safe to say everything I know about jigging for crappie came from him.
Now do you find that jig olor will be diferent from one body o water to the next?
[quote idahopanfish]Now do you find that jig olor will be diferent from one body o water to the next?[/quote]

Sometimes my favorite spot is fickle on color so I just rig two poles. One has 3 different colors about 18 inches apart under a clear float and the other has 3 different colors 18 inches apart.

I start shallow and add about 1 foot of depth every 5 minutes until I get a bite. Then then keep trying to make sure that is the color they want that day. If I get another on the same color that depth then I start wearing them out.

As I stated above though, I usually catch more on that Pink/Pearl tube than any other color here in North East Arkansas in Poinsett county.
Where in PA bare you Cklvr ?
I fish near Gouldboro.

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