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Sportsman Ship and Bass Clubs
[size 2][font "Courier New"]Sportsman Ship[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]Last week while I was on Lake Perris in my float tube [/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]I was metering fish like crazy; a couple of guys in a Bass Tracker came over and pushed me out of my spot.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]Of course I moved I am not stupid.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]I was a little pissed but hey it's a big lake and I am recovering from a kidney surgery so who needs the haste.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]I was off 25 to 300 from them when a couple of other guys floated buy, the guy in the Bass Tracker got really mad, stated yelling for them to move off [/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]I didn't get it, he felt like he owned the lake.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]The others guys backed up I even had to move.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]The bass tracker moved even closer to the other guys I couldn't figure this out.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]What we do as sportsmen affects everyone.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]I seen the guys drinking and I just figured I would stay out of there way.[/font][/size]

[size 2][font "Courier New"]Beside my float tube was no match for that big Bass boat.[/font][/size]

I think he was a good sport before he brought the boat; I learned later he was in a tournament and must have been under some pressure
sounds to me like he was a looser before the tourny ever started.

preasure or not, that is inexcusable behavour. your action was only half right, in that you should have had a cell phone with you so you can call the police when needed.

here in michigan drunken behavoure on a boat is punishable by law. whether you are the driver or not.

as for his efforts in his attempts in a tourny he should have stayed soboer if he was realy serious about winning, and if he marked a fish there from prior scouting he should have moved to his next spot at least moved around you.

Other anglers on a public lake is one of the hazards of tourny fishing.

hope he drew last place. because he deserves it....
Hello Guys,

How has the fishing been at Perris? Its a great lake.

Sorry to hear about what happend. I think it is a good idea to post things like this. Sometimes reading it after the fact, will wise people who do that kind of thing to the fact that thier not the only angler on the lake!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting
[mad]that guy gets the idiot of the year award , it's well deserved title for him .

Hi there Taipan,

I'm quite vengeful and would have actually paddled myself to the landing dock and told the operator either he call the police or I would. California law, boat or car a BAC of 0.08% is all you need for the fall! Oh ya, they can take the boat, trailer and what's towing it too. Happy trails to the idiots then. What tournament would allow people to be drinking on the boat during the fishing?

I'm really crazy on stuff like this selfishness business and may very well have been crazy enough to tell them what I was going to do then flip like mad! ha ha ha

Well thank you ron, iI am glad to know that I am not the only one with a bad aditude twards those with bad aditudes.

once again I will just have to say that conduct like is unsprotsman like and not welcome any where weather it is in an event or just out for a day.
i fish in turnys all summer ..and thats the last thing i wanna do is be ..right next too another fishermen .. if it was my hot spot would fish some place else.... if the guy in the tub ...or in another boat moved out of my hot spot ..sure id move and and fish ..but as far as fishing next too another guy ..any 1 in there right mind would not do it...just like jet skis.. they come so close too other boats its not funny........ sure they like too have fun just like fishermen ..but you must stay away from other boaters .i dont get it? when you got a lake thats 8 miles long and 2 miles wide ..why would you want too be right next too another boat? thats why i got a big ol pole with 50 lb test line snag them jet skis.. try it some time you might like it .....hahahahahaha[Tongue]

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