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Mantua report
[fishin] Sent a buddy to mantua around the inlet. He was wanting to fish mantua but the ice was questionable.I told him to go around back and wade in the little open water with aggressive spinners and sure a heck he got some nice bows. So if you are in the area and do not want to wait for the ice this is a good alternative. Also Logan river, Weber river and Jordan river are hot! Got fish out of all of them this week. The jordan is so low due to some construction around camp williams and turned up some nice kitties and suckers. I had some luck at lincoln beach for white bass but have yet to get an eye this year. I hope this helps people who are waiting for their fav spot to open up. Sorry no pics camera out of service next time for sure.
great report. will hit one of em on mon or tues, after i get back from Powell!!
Oh I think the best yet worst thing about spring is knowing that fishing is so close[sly] yet I'm so busy locked away on campus working on innumerable papers[:/] oh well thanks for the advice!

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