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be sure to know the new laws!
make sure you brush up on the new laws comming about!

[url ""][/url]
I was under the impression this law does would not go into effect until 2011. DWR says 2010. Which is it?
i thought it was 2011 also, but than i noticed this, so im personally going off of this.
Am I missing something? Did the court not rule that the land under the water was part of the water way and declaired something like sovereign proerty. It looks like the same kind of law and bill that was in place already other then the wording as been changed. Seams to me once this goes back to court (if it does) the the same ruling would happen and in the last one.
theres like 9 topics on HB 141, is that what your asking? im kind of at a loss here
The effective date of the law has always been in May. That means we have 41 days to go pound the hell out of the areas we will lose access to!!
[quote pookiebar]The effective date of the law has always been in May. That means we have 41 days to go pound the hell out of the areas we will lose access to!![/quote]

if you do decide to do this, PLEASE copy and carry these new laws on you because there are now 27,000 (more) NO TRESPASSING signs up on the valley ranch on the upper provo, that and some sign that says something about being home to the premier blue ribbon fly fishing club in UT.
Read the post on "interesting Article" that I posted yesterday. We should follow the example of Montana.

"Montana's high court largely backed a lower court's order that the riverbed is state-owned land, and anyone who uses it has to pay rent or royalties like those who graze cattle or drill for oil on public land."

If the public can't use there own land and stream beds then let those that do have use of the land and stream beds and restrict the public from using the land or stream beds pay rent or royalties.
was that the same article that said something along the lines of MT thinking of charging power companies rent for the stream beds held behinde their hydro elcetric dams?
Yes Montana is going to charge the power companies for use of the stream beds.
time to go back to korea and then off to MT!!!!!
We deifinately need to follow Montanas example on this one.
So when does the new law actually go into effect? Does someone have the link for the bill and the effective date?
Well, here's MY opinion of this part...
What does the law allow?
The new law allows you to float on the surface of the water, even if you're floating over private property that is closed to trespass. It also allows you to fish while floating. Your right to float only applies under the following conditions:

[ul][li]Water volume. The water must have sufficient width, depth and flow to float your vessel.[/li][li]Stopping prohibited. You and your vessel must move with the current and not anchor or stop.[/li][/ul]

[li]Stopping prohibited. You and your vessel must move with the current and not anchor or stop. [/li]

let me say this in computer "talk"....

[#000000][size 5][#0000bf]deleted[/#0000bf]!! Who gave "big brother" the RIGHT to do this??[/size][/#000000]
I don't even care to float down a stream to fish like that, BUT [#0000ff]deleted[/#0000ff]...who gave ANYONE the right to drop a REMOVALABLE devise used in THAT manner.... GOD DID WHEN HE GAVE US THE BRAINS TO INVENT THE WHEEL!!!

So there goes ANOTHER God given right!!!

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