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Sad, glory days...
What's wrong with me ?
Nobody ever talks to me anymore.
It seems as if... as if.. im not loved.
My mother doesn't even talk to me..
I do my best to try and make conversation with people.
But, they never answer back...
Why is this ?
What did I do ?
Please Help me....... [frown]

The Pickle Snatcher.
Maybe I haven't been in the overall forum very long, but there are a lot of comments similar to this that I just don't understand. Although this is in the off topic board, isn't this suppose to be geared towards fishing (and sometimes hunting). Isn't that what face book is for; comments like this.
its ok! my brother just bought a fresh jar of pickles!
I just cant bring myself to bring up conversation to a pickle. Fishing yes Pickles no. And I find you alittle strang. Your recent posts have been about pickle snatching how do you want people to respond to that. The mental hospital most be low on funds and releasing some mentals early. Let's talk fishing im all for that. Good luck on future post's.

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