05-18-2010, 01:50 AM
Hey I just wanted to share a photo of my first fish on a home tied dry fly. (I have had decent results on my nymphs but I felt they were easier to tie as they afford more leeway) It’s a brown trout no less [laugh]
I have tied dries before but they all look like a 2nd grade art project, this was the first tie deemed “fishable” and it turned out to do me well. Two refusals (the fish were very picky tonight even with “real flies”) one missed strike one this fish. Sorry he is on the table and not at the river but I did not have my camera at the river (and I was fishing for dinner tonight)
The tail is a barred goose feather of some sort, it came from the craft store, a body dubbed from white and yellow synthetic yarn fibers, also craft store, and it was hackled with rusty red/orange dry fly hackle from a cabelas “mixed hackle assortment “ (the brand may be metz … I don’t remember)