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Record Fish (or lack thereof)

After setting two potential world line class records this weekend I was looking them up on the IGFA (International Game Fish Association) web site and noticed all line class records for Utah were vacant. Here is your chance to be the talk of the town, impress your friends and be wanted by women or men.....(not that there's anything wrong with that). You get a cool certificate and your name in the record books. How many of you (with the exception of XMAN) can say that. Here is the link: [url ""][/url]

Applications can be downloaded at: [url ""][/url]

I didn't submit mine, they were for Carp and Chub. Dan wouldn't let the Carp on the boat and I didn't realize the Chub was a record until later. Besides, what kinda God submits records for Carp and Chub? I am now on a mission to set all the state records and collect a bunch of really cool certificates. TEAM OUTLAW MOFO is back in action. Our motto "Because the ladies love an outlaw, like a little boy loves a stray dog". So, come on, catch us if you can! Website coming soon.
LMAO [sly] Your killin' me Dude. Let me know the URL when yuh got it. I can't wait.
Hey IFG, too bad you didn't land a sucker, then you could have had submitted all of the prized world class records for Utah! You should have given Mrs. William B. DuVal some competition while you were fishing the Florida waters recently.
Cool site IFG. Thanks for the cool info. I'm gonna head out and get me a record too.[sly]
oh boy now you done it the people at I.G.F.A are going to wonder what hit them. Years ago when i was a deckhand out of L.A. the line class ( 25# ) for albicore tuna was caught and broken about 6 times in two weeks i had it for a day with a 66# one next day someone had a 68# then i think it went to 73# and finally 78# caught by the captain of the boat i was working on dont know if this record still stands since this was 20 years ago

That record was broken 2 weeks ago in Panama City Fl. I have broken that record many times over the years however it was always rendered ineligible....I lack the required equipment. You see the W next to line weight indicates a womens line class record.

Though my hunting partners say I cry like a schoolgirl when faced with yet another mountain to climb, the IGFA does not recognize this. Even hundreds of signed affadavits could not convice them these records were rightfully mine. Oh well, looks like I'll just have to do it in the mens class.


"90% of my paycheck goes to fishing, women and Irish Whiskey, the rest I just waste."

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