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not here an oil leak !
Just saw on the news the leak that goes from red butte towards the great salt lake. Lots of dead fish and oil covered birds.Not good for the enviornment .Pretty Sad when it happens so close to home makes you feel really bad for whats happening on the gulf coast.
I just saw the same thing last night.... What a Sad day.
We should all write, e-mail or call city and state officials and demand the responsible party pay for all clean up and habitate rehablitation. One time when I was fishing the Jordan river and they were taking water samples I asked what would be done about a recent spill in the Jordan and they said nothing happens. He said I should make calls and send letters because these companies are getting way scott free and he thought it leads to companies dumping there junk on purpose because there are no consiquences.
I just looked the spill up on ksl and it looks like Chevron is stepping up to bat with clean up. I should have read the report before repling to this post.
Saw on the news today the Saddest thing they showed trout popping their heads out of the water trying to breathe and they were covered in oil not a good way to die.

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