08-05-2010, 02:49 PM
This poll is an effort to get more banter going on the hunting forum. Please feel free to explain your votes.
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What type of weapon do you prefer to hunt with?
08-05-2010, 02:49 PM
This poll is an effort to get more banter going on the hunting forum. Please feel free to explain your votes.
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08-05-2010, 03:53 PM
I like bow hunting. More up close and one on one with the animal senses.
08-05-2010, 04:48 PM
I know what you mean. I'd like to get back into bow hunting but I have a bad wrist and can't pull a bow enough to become proficient at it again without a lot of pain. I qualify for a permit to use a crossbow but haven't been able to convince my wife I need it so I'm bidding my time.
08-05-2010, 08:40 PM
i am a rifle nut ! i love reloading and working up just the right load for the critter i am after
08-05-2010, 11:53 PM
I have always rifle hunted. This year I am trying something knew, I hope. Going after deer with my S&W 460. This should be fun.
08-06-2010, 03:18 AM
Well I am primarily a bowhunter at heart but for only the second time since 1993 am going to hunt with a rifle. I got lucky this year and drew one of the 25 early buck permits for unit 55, my hunt opens in only 10 days! yeha
08-09-2010, 05:17 PM
The wife and I are bow hunters for life. Unfortunatly I have not done my homework for this year and we will be going out for rifle only this year. I was raised to be a bow hunter so I am. I got my wife into it a few years back and she wasn't looked back.
08-12-2010, 01:52 PM
Wow! Very surprised to see that the number of Archery hunters is almost equal to the number of rifle hunters. [shocked]
08-14-2010, 12:58 PM
I lean to the muzzleloader side. I do hunt with rifles alot and in the past I used bows. I too can no longer use a bow due to a work related injury.
I have spent many hours putting my muzzleloaders together and making the bullets. The bullets I make for my ML's are a 500 S&W bullet. I paper patch them and size them to fit the rifle. They shoot sub 2" groups at 100 yards with the peep sight. Ron [inline "Flatlander 2.jpg"] [signature]
08-15-2010, 06:00 PM
I've spent the first part of my hunting career hunting with a rifle and the last 11 years hunting with a bow. The bow hands down is my weapon of choice. The bow is way more challenging to me which makes it more rewarding when you do feel your tag which doesn't happen to often with me anyway. Way less pressure on the animals which gives you the opportunity to see a lot more game. When you see an animal less than 20 yards away, you can not beat that excitement. During elk your right in the middle of the rut most of the time and hearing a bull bugle or a cow mew at close distance makes the hair on my neck stand up.
08-19-2010, 07:55 PM
For big game its all about archery. I reload and all that but its the intimacy with the game that makes archery my choice. I was telling a co worker the other day, you havent lived till you have an 900lb bull heavy in the rut pissed off and on the other side of the tree from you. And the challenge of not only getting close but getting a good shot. Ive had a dozen 6x6 under 20 yards and havent been able to get the shot Ive wanted with my bow and let them walk.
When Im out with my rifle I feel like im cheating, last elk I shot was at just over 450yards and I didn't enjoy it half as much as the archery killed animals I have harvested. With the state of our herds right now though I have to say Im a bird hunter for the most part right now, still put in on some select hunts but I look forward to the first sat in Oct when I can start decoying quackers and chasing roosters. [signature]
08-22-2010, 07:52 AM
i have to say that if it wasnt for rifle hunting i probably would have never become a hunter at all and it was a blast while it lasted i have killed a few deer and a few elk with some of my guns but something happened a few years ago i bought a primos the trueth about hunting big bulls 8 and all but 2 of the 13 hunts were with bows and i was blown away i couldnt beleive they were calling bulls in to 20 yards and closer and having to make such precice shots on these animals. well that christmas my mom asked me what i wanted from her and i asked if she would help me out with a bow and to my suprise she just went and bought the bow a martin jaguar and left all the fun little also not cheap accesories like site rest quiver release and other misc. stuff to me. so it took me about a year to get a bow togather that i could actually shoot. i did everything to this bow put the rest and sight on learned where to knock it learned how to paper tune it sighted it in this bow means the world to me and i will never sale it.not to mention all the time learning how to use calls and tree stands for deer and all the other stuff. i havnt picked up a rifle with the intention of harvesting big game since i got that bow. but it has been trial and error since i am an all self taught archery hunter everything ive learned i have learned from internet and video and from the last three years of just going in to the woods and gaining experiance. i have a few friends that archery hunt but are all on the level i am so we learn togather. last year it all came togather the work absorbing the knowledge and the time i put in came down to me harvesting a huge cow elk that gave me a 15 yard quartering away shot in between an opening in some buckbrush my buddy and i had been working a bull when i shot her funny thing was is that i was calling for him and he was shooting when she slipped by hime and came to me but anyways yeah cow or not it was better than any animal i have ever shot with a rifle. i got one with that older bow i built so this year i bought a new bow from idaho archery a mathews dxt and its faster and much more comfortable better suited to me. this year i get to pound some new territory up north by lewiston not sure i have a guy who wants to take me and call for me but im kind of fond of doing my own thing. so we will see i will let you guys know. from what i hear im gonna be in some pretty awesome whitetail country(i know this is true because of the bucks ive already seen.) so i might focus on whitetail if im not feeling to confedint about chasing elk in wolf country.
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