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It seems my deer hunt may be shot this year. I headed out today to scout the same place I shot my Elk and when I get half way there, here are No Trespassing signs posted all over. Talked to quite a few people out Elk hunting still many are quite upset to say the least. No one is sure how or who posted this area since it is state land. There are many square miles that is now posted and the only thing this area is used for is grazing. Nothing but rocks, sagebrush and a few trees. I have spent 2 months getting things ready for this hunt and now, the day before I can actually hunt, I find everything posted! I was so mad this morning when I seen those signs that I could *#*#&## #^#^($@$)( $$#^$@_@$! #_#&%_#.[mad][mad][mad]
And to make things worse, F&G nor State Lands offices are open on Saturday. I want answers, but no one is working that can give me those answers before opening day. [bobmad][bob  ][bob  ][bob  ][bobyell][bobsurprised][bobscared]
On the bright side, I did see 77 Antelope today in 6 hours.
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Sounds like an illegal posting to me. Happens in Western Idaho all the time. If you know for sure it is public land, I'd go anyway. If you don't know for sure, it can definitely be frustrating.
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I know for sure it is State Land. It just does not make any sense. The cows were out before any hunts started, so I know there has not been any problems with people mistaking cows for Elk. I am thinking someone may have posted it for a little privacy during archery season since Elk hunters are still in there during that time.
Maybe Monday I can get some answers from the state.
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It'll be Tuesday. State offices are closed on Monday for Columbus Day [crazy]
I say go for it, and hunt anyway. I would use the fish and game websites map center to double check that it is state land. If it is, I think you should be safe.
Good luck.
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That sucks. I ran into this problem about 10 yrs ago in unit 45. I had good maps so I hunted the areas in question. Got stopped by a F&G officer and questioned about where I was at. I showed him my maps and he let me go with a warning. I don't think he knew where the private property lines where at so he had to act it up. The signs stayed up all season but I continued to hunt it. I heard the guy that posted the public property eventually got caught and lost his hunting privileges for a few years.
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I would also print out a page with the map on it showing that it is state land...just to show anybody you run across that has a problem with you on the land.
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Even if it is leased for grazing, in Idaho state land is open for public access and cannot be posted by the grazing lease holder
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[quote 2dogs]Even if it is leased for grazing, in Idaho state land is open for public access and cannot be posted by the grazing lease holder[/quote]
This is what I was thinking. I will not hunt it tomorrow just to be safe. I did see a few deer outside the posted area, but it will be tough with no cover and using a pistol. I will find out what is going on Tuesday. I will make sure the State knows about this so they can deal with the issue. From what I could tell on the state maps, the posted area covers around 9,000 acres of prime hunting ground, all of which is state owned.
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i would print a map off of the fish and game website showing its state land and take it with me. then if some dummy shows up and gets all huffy puffy with you very politley take out your map and show him that what he is doing is illegal. ( i forgot to mention make sure that mother massive pistol you have is in plain sight when you talk to him. i wouldnt screw around with a guy who is packing heat that big.[laugh])
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I would have taken any proof that it is state land and went to the sheriffs office and explaned the situation and see if they could help . I had the same thing happen to me on an antalope hunt up by Dubois on BLM ground . I was lucky the office was open and they sent a ranger right and took care of it . Curt G.
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I got a hold of the state today and also F&G. The land is posted illegally and I am good to go for my hunt now. [  ] The guy I talked to with the state actually seemed shocked that someone posted state land and was quite interested in going out and taking a look at it.
Only problem now is when I got home Sunday from hunting, I noticed my scope was a tad loose after popping a rabbit. I took it off to check things and all 3 mounting screws were just about sheared off and the mount itself is indented where the recoil stop is. I may have to go back to open sights for the rest of the hunt. Should be interesting. I sent an email to Leupold, but no response yet. Not sure I can find a better mount than Leupold, but I may have to look. The last one I tried looked plenty strong, but never lined up right and was crooked from the holes not being aligned. Hand cannons are so much fun.[  ]
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have you made it out again? Any luck?
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So far no luck. I seen 2 nice bucks this weekend, but both were 1000yrds and 1100yrds away. Tried sneaking in a little closer on the one and he flat out disappeared. The next one stood in the same spot and watched me for 45 mins as I worked my way down to get closer. The last spot I could see him and be able to shoot over the trees was still about a 600 yrd shot. I did not feel good about it, so I passed. I worked my way farther down and then back up the other side and when I got close to where he was, I looked around a tree just long enough to see him put his head down and take off. That was at 58 yrds. The terrain made it tough to get a good shot. Maybe this next weekend. I did jump a 6x6 Elk Friday at 30'. That will make your heart pound a little.
I have not seen much of anything these last few days. Seems all the deer just disappeared. When Elk hunting, the deer were every where. Now I can not find one. To tell you how bad it is, Friday I headed out to my usual area around 7am. I stopped about 1/2 mile from the truck to open a gate and looked back at the highway and there is a white van with its flashers on. Later that evening I stopped over there and checked things out. The van hit a doe less than 1/4 mile from where I had parked. That was the only deer I seen all day.
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No deer for me this year. Just could not find any bucks. Seen some does and everything else from elk to moose and even a bear, but the bucks seemed to be to elusive for me this year. I even went to the old standby area where I have hunted for ever, but nothing around. It seems this year nothing was the same as before. Where I usually see tons of deer, nothing this year. Where I usually see elk, nothing again. The areas I know there are tons of moose I seen very few. The only thing I did see this year and lots of them was Antelope and Jack Rabbits. I also seen quite a few coyote's and fox. I guess I will have to be content with my elk. I still have a whitetail tag, but have never hunted them and I still need to do some research on where to hunt for them. Overall it has been one weird year for hunting.
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the river bottoms is where you need to look for that whitetail prvrt.
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Yeah, I just need to find a place to hunt. Never hunted the river bottoms for deer. Just need to do some research for public land so I know where I can go and can't.