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Wolves in Wolverine!
Was out for a drive hoping to run across some grouse while enjoying the fall colors. Didn't see any grouse, but we did see a wolf on Wolverine Canyon Rd! It was about 50 yds after we had passed cows going the other way that we spotted it dashing off the road, so I'm curious if it was curious or hungry. I hadn't heard of wolves in that area before (although it doesn't surprise me much) but was wondering if anyone else around the I.F., Blackfoot area has come across them in that general area?
we heard them in there last year while running dogs for bears. we got worried for the dogs so we beat feet out of there.
theres a few packs up in that area if I remember correctly. Just on the other side of of wolverine on the bone store side of things last fall one of the ranchers was having problems with that group of wolves. Killed a few of his cattle. I know there is another pack by the south end of Tex Creek. Too many of those things kicking around these days.

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