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Hyrum - Never Been, Want to go
Looking for a new place to try for Bass. I've never been to Hyrum and I have heard that is is worth a shot. Can anyone tell me what to expect, where to go, what to use, etc. at Hyrum? Much appreciated.

Also, If Hyrum isnt doing well right now, where can I go to find some good fishigng, any kind (fly, boat, etc - Trout, Bass, whatever)

Thanks in advance.

I've never fished Hyrum when it's been this low before but I have had pretty good bass fishing there at this time of year. If you have a boat, I've heard that you can still launch, you can try several locations. I'd start down by the dam and go all along the south shore then back up the north shore. If you're shore bound, I'd go to the State Park and walk east along the shore there. I've done well with plastic worms, spinnerbait, and jigs. Using jigs I've caught a number of big perch and some trout as well. I believe that there was a good report for Hyrum about a week ago if you check back a page or two you may find it.
Hi Rob,

If you are not too proud to catch the species that dwell in the Jordan River, I can show you where I have been taking my grandkids. It can be non-stop action -- and you always have the chance of catching a large fish. They may not all be pretty (except to their parents) and I wouldn't recommend eating anything out of there, but you can't beat being able to fish in less than 15 minutes after pulling out of your drive way. We also have to get out fishing one of these days, so that I can redeem myself from my hilarious (although I wasn't laughing) outing to Strawberry. BTW -- I thought you lived in the Ogden area?

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