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This is a Call for Decency for all BFT members and lookie loos out there to be the example of good stewardship.
Ice fishing has become quite popular here in Utah since the Year-Round fishing season began in the late 1980s. Access to many of these winter fishing holes is extremely limited and result in overcrowded parking areas.
Recently, I've witnessed signs of human and pet urination and defication in these parking areas and on the lake itself. Why would we want to expose our wives and daughters to these images?
Another problem is parking vehicles where access to private property and fire hydrants are blocked. The surest way to lose public access to these fishing holes is obvious.
Our stewardship to remind others will only serve to protect our access to public areas via private property. I'm encouraging all BFT members to provide a polite reminder to those who abuse the priviledge we've been afforded.
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Amen on this Please bring your own potties remember all that waste ends up in the water when the ice melts. I know its a gross subject but the last outing we seen wads and wads of used TP on the ice not cool
Men use a old bottle like a Gatorade bottle Women I know it much more difficult but there feminine funnels and portable potties and toss your garbage in the garbage not on the ice.
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i took my son to syracuse pond the other day. i kid you not someone drained it on the ice in a city park. no sign of a tent. i was horribly disturbed. i wish i had taken a picture.
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Let me get this right. You are complaining about urinating on the ice because it will eventually go into the water?
I personally don't think ice fishing is popular enough so that if every single ice fishermen took a whiz that it would effect the water quality of most lakes. So I will continue to piss away.
But crapping is another matter and I could understand being upset about that.
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I cant speak for smoke but for me dont think its really the amount more so the act. I mean Say you were on your boat and floated by another with boat with a guy standing on the bow taking a piss right in the lake... pretty messed up.
And yes the wads of TP we came across were #2 oh and FYI pissing in or on the lake is a citiable offense.
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Interesting subject. I thought it would be about other forms of decency, but ditto on the being sickened by some one taking a dump on the ice and leaving it. Peeing is a different matter to me. As long as no one sees you I don't se a problem with it except for one, it's just gross sloshing through someones pee, it always seems to be all around the best spots, and with out a doubt , my numbskull five year old will end up in it! Kinda sucks really. For that reason I try to do it where no one fishes.
Along the lines of decency though, let me just point out that I'm AT LEAST as offended by foul language being freely thrown around for all to hear( especially within earshot of kids and women) as some jackass taking a dump on the ice!
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You mentioning your 5 year old numbskull finding the yellow snow reminded me of a funny story at Strawberry a few years back. I'm laughing as we speak, but it's one of those stories where you had to be there. It's a long story at that. Let's just say there was a numbskull in the group, and it should be known that everyone in the group was at least 21 or older, not 5. And yes, he ended up in the yellow snow.[laugh]
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As far as #2, that's a definite party foul.
Shouldn't head out for a day of fishing if you haven't taken care of business yet. If you have to handle it again, be prepared.
But peeing is a much more frequent occurrence and I can't say I'm bothered by it. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Not everybody drags a sled full of gear with them, nor should they be expected to.
That being said, considerations should be taken to keep one's junk out of plain sight. It's just common courtesy.
As for language, people should try and respect the presence of others, however fishing tends to pull some expletives out of people from time to time. I can understand someone dropping a few bombs when they lose a good fish, but to just let them fly without a moment's thought is rude.
I live in the real world and hear real language all the time, so I don't really care, but I certainly recognize that other people may be sensitive to offensive language.
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Completely agree, 100%. Get away from the group for a #1.
How many cups of coffee did that take?
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That was probably my 2 mugs of morning brew and some water saved up.
First time on the ice, a few years ago.
All in one session.
Kinda tingled a little.[  ]
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so dropping a duece on a frozen lake.... would that be considered an upper decker, or a uper hard decker or maybe even a hard upper decker?
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Dude I have taken a piss off the bow of my boat and encourage others in my boat who need to go to do the same. No way I am wasting 30 minutes of fishing time to go to a dock, tie up, walk to port a potty, etc. I do try to make sure that no one is close enough to really see what is happening, but it is the outdoors and it isn't a very big deal.
If you boat at Powell during the summer, you would know women freely show off their girlies and that doesn't seem to offend most men.[  ] So why should men worry about offending the ladies by showing their junk for a very real reason? ]
But seriously, if you don't want to take out a ton of gear and waste a ton of time, you just piss with some decency, but still outdoors. Crapping on a frozen lake is pretty sick but even I had to do it once when I was far from any type of restroom and it just wasn't going to wait. Only time I had to do it on the ice and it wasn't the preferred location but sometimes you ain't got no choice.
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Actually alot of places were opened up to year round fishing in the late 70's and early 80's. I take a shelter for the privacy of using a rest room if needed especially if there are women along. As for as taking a dump, just shove it down the hole and move the shelter[  ]
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[quote Along the lines of decency though, let me just point out that I'm AT LEAST as offended by foul language being freely thrown around for all to hear( especially within earshot of kids and women) as some jackass taking a dump on the ice![/quote]
I HEAR THAT !!!!!!!!
As far as taking a leak.. When you gotta go you gotta go.. I have a ice hut and pee in a old bottle that i bring with me.. Then dispose of it..If i dont have a bottle I try to walk to the shore line.. If i cant get to the shore line i will cover it up with snow.. As far as taking a dump on the ice.. I have never done it nor will i ever do it.. If you have a health issue or just cant hold it.. I have 1 Hassock portable toilet. Never been used you can for FREE !!!! All i ask for is that you are in need of it.. Dont take it just becasue you can..
Pack it in
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Several times my wife and daughters have been waiting for us to come off the lake and while sitting in the car guys unzip in the parking lot and releive themselves in full view. And the part that upsets them is that everytime that has happened there was an outhouse within 20 feet. I say come on guys use the potty when the women are there and especially when there is a potty provided. Are far as leaving crap on the ice that is uncalled for. We all take plastic bags and clean up after our dogs, why can't we clean up after ourselves. Besides no one wants to catch one of those browns.
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[quote PACKFAN]As for as taking a dump, just shove it down the hole and move the shelter[  ][/quote]
HAHA! [laugh]
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[quote PACKFAN]Actually alot of places were opened up to year round fishing in the late 70's and early 80's. I take a shelter for the privacy of using a rest room if needed especially if there are women along. As for as taking a dump, just shove it down the hole and move the shelter[  ][/quote]
[size 2]Chumming is prohibited on all waters except Lake Powell. (Chumming means to dislodge or deposit into the water any substance, not attached to a hook, line or trap, which may attract fish.) Please see the Rules for Specific Waters, Lake Powell section, on page 25 for more information about chumming at Lake Powell.
Just don't eat any corn!!!
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I can see it now! Nothing goes into the sled without getting a PVC pole holder upgrade ]
At least that way your outdoor bomb catcher serves a dual purpose.[cool]
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All I can say is I am Very glad that I dont Ice Fish if this is what I have to look forward to. Gross. I can see a kid 7 and under having a hard time holding it, but seriously everyone else thats an adult should have no problems holding it or knowing when its coming on. Guess its time for adult diapers if one cant hold it 
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Quote: Jacksonman]Dude I have taken a piss off the bow of my boat and encourage others in my boat who need to go to do the same.
Holy Crap man (no pun intended) I have to laugh at this have some decency man use a portable potty or even a old bottle and toss it in the garbage. What, it might take 5 minutes to drive to the shore to relieve your self. The lake is not your personal toilet.
Quote: No way I am wasting 30 minutes of fishing time to go to a dock, tie up, walk to port a potty, etc. I do try to make sure that no one is close enough to really see what is happening, but it is the outdoors and it isn't a very big deal.
Just because your outdoors on a lake doesn't mean you get piss in the lake. Thats our drinking water for god sake. Again its against the law to piss in the lake
Quote:If you boat at Powell during the summer, you would know women freely show off their girlies and that doesn't seem to offend most men.[ ] So why should men worry about offending the ladies by showing their junk for a very real reason?![ ]
Whole different matter during spring break in Powell with the girlie's showing there parts trust me many citations are handed out for pissing in the lake almost as many for under age drinking. But lets say you expose your self to a 8 or 9 year old while pissing on the lake ... If im not mistaken that can be considered a a sexual crime ... LOL .. Im sure the predators use that same excuse.. "I was just peeing" LOL
Quote:But seriously, if you don't want to take out a ton of gear and waste a ton of time, you just piss with some decency, but still outdoors.
Is I agree with this just drive or walk to the shore and take a leak no need to free willy right in the lake.
Quote:Crapping on a frozen lake is pretty sick but even I had to do it once when I was far from any type of restroom and it just wasn't going to wait. Only time I had to do it on the ice and it wasn't the preferred location but sometimes you ain't got no choice.
Again walk to the shore dig a hole there no need for this to end up in the lake