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Double-Dip at Pelican & Starv!!!
Buddy & I got out of Dodge at 6am, fished Pelican from 10-1pm, then Starv from 3-5:30pm. Hit the Mother Lode at both spots. Figured on bluegill batch but not sure we'd get the jumbo perch at Starv, and get 'em we did. Returned to the scene of last year's 4 crimes & pulled off a 5th: 25 jumbo perch & 3 walleye. Just like last season, bite commenced at a dusky 4pm w/a double-header and for the next 90 minutes we had a ball. Missed a LOT of bites, plus had another half-doz shake loose near the top. Probably air-bladdered under the surface as we speak. Had to play more "Musical Hole" than other times, but worth the chase. Pics, for some reason, won't download, so I'll try to put 'em on tomorrow. Drove down to look-see the Starv ramp, etc. Quite the on-going construction site. Pics of that, too.
Warning: Starv perch pics not for the general public fishing Pineview, Rockport, Jordanelle, Deer Creek, or Mantua. Check back tomorrow.
Sounds like a good double dip trip.

We fished Rabbit Gulch. We had fast action at the Gulch from first drop till we decided we had enough at 5:30. None of ours were jumbos though. Biggest was not quite 10". Most were bait size.

We'll get back after those jumbos soon.
Good to hear you got into them. I know they are around, but I could not find any decent sized perch or eyes for the life of me last weekend. Lots of little perch for some fast action, but not too much for table fare. Sounds like you have them dialed in.
well i was hoping to do some fishing at starvation this year. guess i could break out the pop gear it sounds like you left a few trout anyway.
How thick is the Ice on Pelican?

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