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Holmes Creek/Company Pond 1/17/11
Gave Company Pond a try this morning with by grandson. Used the plank to get onto the ice. Once on the ice we found approximately 1/2" of water on the ice almost everywhere we walked and about 5 inches of solid ice under the water. Moved around several times before finally finding a few willing fish. Got a few bites almost everywhere we tried, but getting a hook to stick was another matter. I won't say where we finally found a few fish willing to be hooked, but I found three hockey pucks in the immediate area.[Wink]

We both broke the law on the way off of the ice. While trying to position the plank on some ice, I decided to take a swim. Pushed the plank to my grandson and suggested he find some better ice and he decided to join me in swimming to shore. I stretch the truth a tad, because we both fell into water that was approximately 3 feet deep, but definitely cold to the touch.

Hope someone gets some use out of the 2" X 6" X 8' plank that my grandson left leaning against the gate when we left.[frown]
Great report Kent, sure love it when we can read about someone getting out for some fishing and get a good laugh at the same time[Wink]. Hopefully no one got hurt in the spill. What kind of fish did you catch?
haha any chance you own a white suburban? I was there this morning for a couple hours. I was second on the lake after a couple guys that got on a minute before us. I desided to swim a bit before the fishing... not as fun as swimming after!

I was with my girlfriend on the west side. We had a triple no more then two minutes after setting up our lines. Ended the day with 5 keepers that made a delicious breakfast.

Are you by chance the two that started on the south by the dam and moved to the far north? We were curious what they were doing! How did you enjoy the inch of ice water on the surface. Nice warm feet after eh?
[quote wiperhunter2]

What kind of fish did you catch?


Planter bows.
[quote MarineSpear]

haha any chance you own a white suburban? ... I was second on the lake after a couple guys that got on a minute before us...

Are you by chance the two that started on the south by the dam and moved to the far north? We were curious what they were doing! How did you enjoy the inch of ice water on the surface. Nice warm feet after eh?


That was us. We moved to the far northern end because I have done well in that area in the past. Sorry, should have stopped and chatted with you. The water on the ice certainly made it less enjoyable, but on the positive note, all of the snow was melted so there wasn't any slush. Especially for the brief time you were there, you did much better than we did.
Good report, sorry to hear about the unscheduled swimming lessons. Glad all worked out ok in the end
I have had great luck the last four times I've been on Holmes using green powerbait and small #12 hooks. The trout really hit them hard and makes setting the hook a breeze. Out of the 26 fish I've caught in the last four trips only three deep set themselves before I could set the hook.

Yestureday I also took out some waxies on a rod with two tiny jigs at different heights and noticed something kinda interesting.

On the two poles with power bait each had two 14+ inch Bows. And the pole with the two small jigs with waxies got two Bows that were less then 12 inches. Maybe it was just chance but I thought it was kind of interesting.

I've gone to roughly the same spot (usually a hundred feet north actually) and done very well each time. Good luck in the future and hope to see you again!
I believe that I may have met you kentofnsl and not even have known it. I was there on the morning of the 17th also with my brother. You walked up to us from the north end and asked how the bite was. Im new to this and dont really no anyone. We ended up catchin about five trout. Hope to see ya around and talk to ya again.
Yes, that was me with my grandson. Did you make it off of the ice without going through the ice?
Yes we made it off the ice dry, but the edges were gettin really bad and we left before you.
Sounds kinda spooky! Kent - glad you only got your feet (waist) wet, and didn't really "swim". Also hope you got your gear off safely without losing anything to 'da drink'.

Anyone pull anything other than the planter bows out? That's it folks - you keep harvesting - clean them up. Maybe someday that'll turn back into a versatile fishery sounds like it once was.

Hope this cooler weather recaps those edges!
You replied to TwistedBronco, but I will respond. All gear made it home safe and sound with the exception of a plank that accidentally got left leaning against the gate. Not sure what if anything other than planter rainbows have been caught through the ice this season. I keep reading on here that many are looking forward to the rainbows being caught out of there. Does anyone know for a fact that rainbows won't continue to be planted? Just because it is no longer a community fishery does not preclude the ongoing planting of rainbows.
I've heard that they'll stop stocking it, but don't know for sure. In my opinion, I hope they don't stock any more rainbows in there. Sure they bite more willingly than the warmwater species that reside there, but they also compete with the other fish for food and eat their fry. Last year it seemed like there weren't nearly as many bluegill, crappie, or bass. I did catch a few emaciated rainbows though. A long time ago, when most of the fish were bass and bluegill, the fish rivaled the size of those that are in pelican. Wouldn't it be neat to have our own mini-pelican again? I just think we have enough community ponds that are stocked with rainbows to keep everyone happy (Kaysville, Bountiful, Syracuse, Farmingtion, Maybe, Steed, Clinton, Meadow Creek).

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