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Looking for Gorge Locations for Macks
I’m looking to do some ice fishing for macks on the Gorge. I have never ice fished for macks up there and am hoping some of you experienced guys could point me to some good areas to try. I’m not asking for GPS coordinates, rather, just some good general locations (however, I’d gladly take coordinates if you are willing to share).

I am not very familiar with the lake but I do have a decent map to study.

Along the same lines, what areas of the lake freezes the soonest and are there any areas that don’t freeze over?

PM’s welcome …
Ralph--Same places as we all fish in the spring in open water. Swim, Anvil, Marsh, Brinegars, Holmes, Skunk Cliffs, Big Bend. Well, that's as far north as I ever fish anyway.

Most of the spots are of the same character. Points next to the river channel. Sharp drops off the river channel. Inside bends of the river channel. Any kind of island or "hump." Most are already marked for you on the Fish 'n Map, accurately unfortunately.[mad](I hate that thing.)

Call me with your map in hand.
When are you going? We are hoping to make it out there in 2 weeks.
better think about it a bit moore i went up sat and sunday. the big w blew so hard it took the ice back to past anvil. [:/] man was it a bummer to watch all that ice disapeire in a day.[frown]
That's not a problem! That's a blessing IF you can launch!
Better than just a blessing![Wink]
Hey, and screw those GPS points. I want the Doctor! LOL!
Thanks much Jim. Since I am so unfamiliar with that lake, I hope to explore some of those areas from the boat this summer and then make a good effort, next winter, to do some ice fishing once I feel more comfortable with the lake.

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