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Catching carp or sucker in winter?
Just wondering if anyone out there has information on fishing for carp or suckers in winter? I would like some to use for bait. Any info would be appreciated.[fishin]
I would think anywhere in the Jordan river would work. Or there are a ton in Millpond out here where I live in Stansbury.
Bountiful pond, West side. Drill holes about every 10'. Set your drags so that you dont loose a pole. #2 hook, no weight Bread packed on hook. Rest it on the bottom and watch for them to suck it in n set the hook. If you dont get hit in 20 mins, move 10-15" to the next hole/ depth. They are all over in there.
For suckers I can usually get one almost anywhere on the Jordan with a nightcrawler on the bottom. Sometimes hard cuz the bite is so soft.
bear river below oneida res, carp fishing paradise!
I had a huge carp out of PV a couple weeks ago. Was actually fishing with one pole that had me too busy to use the other so I just let it sit about 8' down. Probably the biggest fish I have ever hooked in the ice. For suckers just find a place that has them and let your bait sit on the bottom, I've done well with nothing but a hook and worm.
Thanks all for the info. I will have to give it a try

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