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another steelhead ?
Another question for you steelheaders, I have always used moss colored line but i cant see it very well in my drift, i know a lot of people use red or yellow or whatever i guess for that reason, they can see it better. My thought is if you can see it better so can the fish, or does it really matter. If the colored line has a good clear leader is one better then the other.
Oh ya forgot to ask if anybody knows river conditions around shoup or salmon.
Almost all of the guide boats for the most part are running one brand or another of his vis green and they catch 1000's of steelhead every year. I doubt you'll have an issue with a brighter line. I've never tried it but that red cajun line is cheap and supposedly disappears underwater, might be worth a shot.
Red does not disappear under water. It simply visually turns gray at a depth of 25 to 30' depth. Notice how many lures have red in them. It isn't because they disappear. [Image: bobwink.gif]
Thanks for the info MM!
What a lot of them do is use a mainline that is high vis but have a leader of 3-6 feet that is clear mono or even a flourocarbon line. I don't know on steelies, but I use cabelas high vis green right to my lure at PaliSades, Ririe and Henry's and often seem to catch fish just fine.
To answer your question about water conditions:

Yesterday (Thurs.) at 11 a.m. water was very fishable clear down the river. By 5:00 p.m, from challis all the way down was muddy. The further you got down river from challis, the muddier it got. Very unfishable from the pahsimoroi down from what I was told by good friends.[:/]
[quote Belasko]What a lot of them do is use a mainline that is high vis but have a leader of 3-6 feet that is clear mono or even a flourocarbon line. I don't know on steelies, but I use cabelas high vis green right to my lure at PaliSades, Ririe and Henry's and often seem to catch fish just fine.[/quote]

Is that not pretty much what I said? Hopefully Mr. wormsinker can figure out not to use a hi-vis leader. The guide I worked for used Hi-vis izorline platinum and then 4.5ft of izorline moss green colored line for leader. Both the mainline and the leader were 12lb.
pretty much. Just didn't mention the leader at the end of the high vis line. Either way People should easily get the idea.
thanks for all your help everybody
What about the yellowish colored stuff would that be just as good as the red if tipped with the moss green.

also would it be fine on salmon as well as steelhead
Hard to concentrate on the article with that awesome picture you represent yourself with [blush]!!

[quote wormsinker] What about the yellowish colored stuff would that be just as good as the red if tipped with the moss green.

also would it be fine on salmon as well as steelhead[/quote]

Yellow works well too, when I run braid I typically use the yellow tuffline xp.

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