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SF 4-18-11
Fished the southfork today despite the rising flows. Managed a rainbow, two browns, and a cutt. Biggest 15 inches. Also accidentley snagged a couple whities. Ill post pictures later because im headed back tomorrow and will take more pictures.
Cant wait to see how you did today. I went out near Heise over the weekend and we managed to find a nice hole. We were just fishing with worms but managed to pull out about 20 fish before lunch.
man i thought the fishing up the south fork has been horrible or i would have been trying it myself. I have been going to the north fork for the past month and half. been doing pretty pathetic up there. maybe three to four fish a day. oh well ya flyfishingfool let us know how well you did. if it was well i am sure i would have to head downt he river this week.

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