04-20-2011, 09:00 AM
My grandson, Jacob is down from Ohio for some fishing. We picked up Backlash44 at 6:30am and headed to Hardee&#39;s for some gravy &amp; biscuit but must have been in too much of a hurry when the long arm of the law entered the picture on Little Debbie Pkwy. It seems his radar said I was going 50 in a 35 mph zone. The officer was very nice but very serious about my infraction and I thought I was going to get a expensive &quot;fast driving award&quot;. After a few minutes he presented me with a warning ticket and I thanked him a whole lot for that. Then we could aford breakfast. Anyway back to the fishing trip..........<br /><br /><br />We fished from about 9am until 2pm mostly in water less than 10 ft deep using lizards, worms, spinner-baits, some cranks, and grubs. We managed a total of 5 bass all were keeper size and all were really heavy with nice big bellies. 4 caught on a purple zoom 6&#39; lizard and 1 on a fat albert grub. Water temp around 62 degrees. The wind was pretty strong today but it was fun fishing anyway, especially with my grandson along. He loves to fish but doesn&#39;t get to do that in Ohio.