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polo-dog, Chickamauga, Bass 7.5lber, 4/18/11, College roommate Roger, Freida
Roger and I hit the water today and were hoping to hit the river but with the river raging we went to the Lake. WT was still like chocolate milk and we fished the area that had been good to us on Friday but no takers. Ran to some rip rap without a hit, still too muddy. Found some cleaner water and found a few fish in stumps that had been in 2 feet of water last week, but now in 6 feet or so. Decided to fish shallower and made a good decision. Fish were not super shallow in the flooded wood but were in 2-5 feet of water. Caught a few on a carolina rig but most on lipless crankbaits. Caught 19 bass, with 4 or 5 more that got off at the boat, including a 4-5lber, bummer. Did get about 10 keepers including one 1 oz short of my PB. She was a beauty and was 7lbs 8oz. Had two just short of 3lbs, one at 2.75 and one at about 2.5lbs. I think it was the best 5 fish stringer that I have ever had on the Chick at a bit over 18lbs. If I hadn't lost the second big fish we would have had over 20lbs. Great day to be out with a great friend. Roger was my roommate for 5 years. Works on the spacestation (from the ground) and lives in Huntsville. I had called him yesterday afternoon and told him that we could have a great day on the water, and we did. Not bad for a couple of old crappie fishermen.<br /><br />Here are some pics.

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