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Jmax, Chick, Tuesday night dog fight.., Bass, 04/19/11, Colby, we suck and the legend has died.
Have you ever had a year that you just feel there is a cloud over your head and no matter what you do it is raining on you? emoAngry That is me so far this year. emoMad For the last four tournaments me and Colby have lost big fish. We even talked about it yesterday before the tournament, made comments like,"Tonight, big fish get off!" Well we again succeeded at loosing a monster. emoDoh In one way I can say we are at least getting bit by them but...COME ON!!!! How many times do we loose these big fish just to go in and talk about the big one that got away.<br /><br />Last night we headed for a spawning flat and I started flipping and colby was doing the shakey. About fifteen minutes into it I put one in the boat at 15.10 inches. Then a couple short and then I put another at 17 inches.... emoThumbsup I am thinking this may be the night. 30 minutes and two in the well. A couple more short and I am ready for the next one. The wind was blowing like a @#*% and there was a heck of a bow in my line. I see the line move a hair the wrong way and set the hook..nothing...recast back to the same place and am thinking...bedding bass. This time it moves into the wind about a foot, I reel down and slam it home. It was like I was hung but moving. emoEek I shout to Colby, BIG FISH...NET! He jumps down, gets the net and is ready. She came up and just rolled, she was a big girl. She went back down and then came up again totally clearing the water, my guess would be 6.5 lbs maybe more.... emoGeezer She goes down again and now is right by the boat, she starts to come up and Colby thought about going for her but you could tell she was not done. I told him to hold on and let her slow down. It would have been a hard net then. She turns and sounds straight under the boat.....Drag peeling. I go to pull her up and she just COMES OFF!!!! emoProtest emoBadLanguage emoTskTsk emoMad emoAngry emoHoppingmad I'll tell you...I could have gone home right then. emoHoppingmad What the @#%* is going on. I was glad to see that even if we had that fish we would not have won it, that was a little of a relief. But it would have taken big bass, another money fish lost.<br /><br />Colby and I managed only a couple more slicks after that one and released our two knowing we would not need them. That about made me sick, emoVomit I still see that girl jumping out of the water.<br /><br />Well...maybe Wiskers can finally catch a bass on the Chick this year during the CFF. Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.<br /><br /> emoAngler Jmax

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