05-08-2011, 09:00 AM
Went to the G for the tourney today. I didnt know what i was gonna use so i tied on a C-Rig, a T-Rig, a Shakey head, a Dalton Twist, a buzz bait and a trap. I Started with the Dalton Twist and didnt have any luck at out 1st stop. So after that i thought i would try a buzz bait. Didnt have any luck on it either. So i went back to the D.Twist and casted it around for a little while. Me and Strato didnt catch anything at our first stop, but he had some hits but they got off. When we went to our 2nd place i started with a T-Rig. I didnt have any luck on that so i went to the C-Rig. I remained to not have any luck. So i thought i would pull the D.Twist back out and cast it a few times. I didnt have any luck on it emoBang so i didnt know what to try. Strato was fishin a swim bait at the time and was able to boat a small keeper that went in the box. He kept on with a swim bait and i tried the twist again. I didnt have any luck at all so Strato had me start castin a swim bait. I kept castin the swim bait and i didnt have any luck but Strato pulled out another one like what he had gotten before. Other than them we didnt have much luck gettin any hogs. So we went back to our 1st place. There we started with the swim baits off the bat. We fished about 10-15 mins there and i had about a small 2 or 2 and a half pound large mouth bight. I boated it and we put it in the box. We went about 5 more mins and Strato boated a nice fish about 2 or 2 and a half pounder as well. That gave use 4 fish in the boxes We remained fishin there for a little bit longer with swim baits till we moved to our 3rd spot. There we fished a little with shakeys and c-rigs and didnt have any luck. We went to this other spot and we both started usin c-rigs. I boated a small 1 pounder and turned it back and remained fishing. There we didnt get anything else. We went to another little spot and i was usin a C-rig and pulled out a 14 3/4 inch LM but it was a little too small so i put him back. We kept fishin and didnt have any luck in that spot. We went to another little peice of shallow water and tried the c-rigs and shakeys but we didnt get nothin. It was about 1 so we went back closer to the dock. There we was tryin to get a bigger fish and i was usin a C-rig and had a nice 6 pounder or bigger bight. I yelled out "I got a good en" to Strato and he looked and the fish jumped and he said oh yeah that is a good one and he grabbed the net. I got him in close to the boat and Strato went to dip him and the knot on the hook came off and that fish got away emoDoh emoBadLanguage It was a GREAT fish. We kept fishin and fishin and fishin but didnt have another bight so we went to the dock. We was able to cull and put the first small fish back and kept the last 3. Wish we could of got that last on i hooked. Bit we still was able to get some fish and strech our lines. We didnt have any HUGE fish but we had a limit so i guess we did pretty good. I had a good time fishin with Mr.Goodner and i learned a pretty good bit. But maybe next time ill get that fish. Oh and if anyone is fishin the G and pulls about a 6 and a half or 7 pounder out the water that has a 2/0 Gamakatsu wide gap hook with a lizard on it please let me know. I would like to have my lizard and hook back emoLaugh Most fish was in shallow water. We didnt catch anything in over 5-6 FOW. Well glad to get on the water today. Hope everyone is having GOOD luck on the water and NOT lettin fish take the hook off right at the boat.