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Remember your life jacket this Memorial Day weekend
Excuses abound for not wearing a life jacket when boating.

"It's too hot. It doesn't look cool. I know how to swim. Nothing is going to happen to me."

That fact is, approximately 700 people, the vast majority of who probably used one of these excuses, drown each year, nationwide, from recreational boating accidents. Don't be one of them.

Memorial Day weekend days are some of the busiest and most dangerous days of the year for boaters.

Throughout the boating season, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) remind boaters to WEAR IT and be alert and aware while on the water.

"With boating season starting, now is the time to inspect all safety equipment including life jackets," said Major Michael Portteus of DNR Law Enforcement. "Take a look at your life jackets to ensure that they are in good condition, and wear them while boating on Indiana waterways this summer."

For more information about WEAR IT Indiana, visit

Media Contact

Major Michael Portteus, DNR Law Enforcement, (317) 232-4012.


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