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BFT Rod gets High Marks with Neighborhood Cat

Check out my BFT rod,

Just had my freshwater rod order delivered from the bft gift shop. Taking it out to the front yard, 'Tommy' the neighborhood malcontent was agreeable and smacked my cut down casting plug and then grabbed it with a 'never let it go cat grip'. Rod taper is nice, crisp reaction, good sensitivity.

The rod blank is beautiful, guides are state of the art and it's easy to see it was a quality build! Mine is a 7'6" HD rod I'll use for trout, bass, and I ain't tellin'.

Can't wait to take it out! I can see already it's worth the money. Field report forthcoming upon a good workout.

No picts of you and this cat???"? that would be hillarious!!!!
stop harassing the poor catfish roN!!!


Hi polokid,

This cat, whom I have nicknamed 'Tommy', is twice the size of Garfield and uses my flowerbed as his restroom. He will have nothing to do with the likes of me other than well... and fighting with the big possums that live next door.

He does sneak around when I bring fish to my neighbor and makes threating faces at us during cleaning. He figured it was time for me to bring fish home and that's when I had him become a tester.

Hey, can I get one of these rods for free to test out and report on? I'd love to give it a try in the Mississippi on some cats and carp.
[size 2]He is talking about a cat ( meow meow ) Aaron. We get alot of cats in out neighborhood.[Wink][/size]
[size 2]Seeing that post Ron made me laugh. I was testing out my reel casting in church parking lot with just a small weight on and on my 3rd cast out of no where this gray and black cat came out of no where and grabbed my weight!![shocked][/size]

[size 2] We played around for about 10 minutes. My wife was laughing her butt off[sly] I would toss it out and zapp here came the cat. It was funny. This was a couple Saturdays ago.[/size]

[size 2] I haven't seen the cat sense..very weird[/size]

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