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Fly Line Selection
I keep on having fly line tangle issues on my float tube apron. Every time I go to shoot a longer cast the line tangle hits my first guide. I've tried a variety of lines and brands. Anyone have any suggestions? Someone told me I need stiffer fly line. Someone else said I need more supple fly line. I currently use a Cortland "Western Drifter" line on my tubing rod. Great line--unless your piling it on your tube apron. Any ideas? Thanks!
Mine does too, it is the nature of the beast and I use several different lines including Shark Skin. You could try a side basket with the little cones in it like surf stripping baskets, but in that seated mode like on a pontoon they can get in the way.

I am curious to hear others take on this.
I'm no help. I get some of the same issues. I thought it was just me! I usually stick to shorter casts anyway, as I can tangle anything!!! [blush][blush]

If I am casting longer, sometimes I work the distance out by casting out to the side, then stripping out more line and recasting to where I want it.

If you have been trolling with your line, it may have twists that make it even more prone to tangling, and even if you haven't trolled, twists seem to happen over time.

I have found that sometimes if my line has gotten twists in it, then I remove any fly and drag it behind me in the water for a while. --- I once wrapped my line on my electric motor and I thought it was lost -- it was so twisted up, but dragging it relaxed it right out.
Welcome a board [Smile]

Well, those kinda tangles do happen sometimes. Try
pull on the line hard as you removing it from the reel to
stretch it.This should help.
I stopped trying making super long casts from my
tube/toon (80'-100') and that is one of the reasons
40'-60' is more then plenty in most cases and there is a lot less line to deal with.
Also a large stripping apron like the one on NFO boats
helps a lot.
Hope this helps.


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