06-30-2011, 08:33 PM
I sent the IDFG a message with my studies on carp eradication hoping that they may use the info!!! now some people say that the F&G slack alot well that may be true to an extent but they cant be every where at once all the time so they need our help and frequent input to know what is going on!!!! so i told them about my findings that a few places back east and down south have been using for a few years now and there carp problems have slowly but steadily been going away and they are using flathead catfish!!! because the studies show when in the same watter a flathead will pray on carp as a main source of food!!! now i realize that cost is an issue however i think they could afford to not stock channel cats a couple years and instead put flathead's in there place!!!! here is the stocking report for the last 20 years for Alexander im using alexander due to it has a very very large carp problem!!!
Historical fish stocking for CATFISH from 1991 through 2011:
Date Stocked Species Type Size Number
07/21/10 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 14,250
07/22/09 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,000
07/16/08 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 19,588
07/10/07 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,113
07/20/06 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,162
08/10/05 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 7,771
07/07/04 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 5,888
08/22/03 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 6,264
09/05/02 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 3,885
08/26/02 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 14,100
09/21/99 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 10,039
10/10/97 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 5,576
07/29/93 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 16,500
09/13/91 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 10,000
that is 164,097 cats in the past 20 years now channel cats live for an average life of 20+ years the longes one has lived on record is 40 years now flatheads on the other hand grow at a much quicker rate and flatheads are benthic feeders and prefer live prey. They are voracious carnivores and feed primarily on other fish, insects, annelid worms and crustaceans. they have a shorter life span but are very harty fish!!! were as the oldes recorded flathead is 20 years old!!! and a nother plus is Spawning occurs in late June and early July, the nests made in areas with submerged logs and other debris. The males, who also build the nests, fiercely and tirelessly defend and fan the clutch. The size of the clutch varies proportionately to the size of the female; an average of 2,640 eggs per kilogram of fish are laid.which in terms mean lots of dead carp because what do carp do they raid nests and fan them around!!! and carp spawn at the same time as these cats!!!there preferred food such as river herring, shad, sunfish (such as bluegill), suckers," CARP", goldfish, drum, and bullheads ranging from 5–12 inches (13–30 cm) in lengthi think this should be somthing the fish and game should look into stocking!!!!!!! to help with the carp problem!!! what does every one else think
Historical fish stocking for CATFISH from 1991 through 2011:
Date Stocked Species Type Size Number
07/21/10 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 14,250
07/22/09 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,000
07/16/08 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 19,588
07/10/07 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,113
07/20/06 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 20,162
08/10/05 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 7,771
07/07/04 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 5,888
08/22/03 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 6,264
09/05/02 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 3,885
08/26/02 Channel Catfish Catchable (6 Inches+) 14,100
09/21/99 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 10,039
10/10/97 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 5,576
07/29/93 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 16,500
09/13/91 Channel Catfish Fingerling (3-6 Inches) 10,000
that is 164,097 cats in the past 20 years now channel cats live for an average life of 20+ years the longes one has lived on record is 40 years now flatheads on the other hand grow at a much quicker rate and flatheads are benthic feeders and prefer live prey. They are voracious carnivores and feed primarily on other fish, insects, annelid worms and crustaceans. they have a shorter life span but are very harty fish!!! were as the oldes recorded flathead is 20 years old!!! and a nother plus is Spawning occurs in late June and early July, the nests made in areas with submerged logs and other debris. The males, who also build the nests, fiercely and tirelessly defend and fan the clutch. The size of the clutch varies proportionately to the size of the female; an average of 2,640 eggs per kilogram of fish are laid.which in terms mean lots of dead carp because what do carp do they raid nests and fan them around!!! and carp spawn at the same time as these cats!!!there preferred food such as river herring, shad, sunfish (such as bluegill), suckers," CARP", goldfish, drum, and bullheads ranging from 5–12 inches (13–30 cm) in lengthi think this should be somthing the fish and game should look into stocking!!!!!!! to help with the carp problem!!! what does every one else think