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what has been your Favorite of all time!!
im just curios about what every ones favorite fishing rod of all time has been since you have started fishing until now!!! what has been the best pole you have had reels excluded only rods!!!
Ugly stick hands down. I still use one I gave to my dad when I was 12. That was 33yrs ago.
my favorite would have to be a south-bend spinning rod I had about 5 years ago i got it from Big 5. it was only like 15 bucks and it was great i mostly fished rivers then the portneuf the most!!!! and it was great!!!mused it for 3 years before it vanished i don't know what happened to it but it is gone!!! next to that would have to be a cheaply Walmart pole called a rhino it was 12 dollars and has tackled fish as small as a sculpin to my biggest ever carp @19lbs has tackled steel-head and all!! it has been a well rounded pole it is sensitive enough to distinguish the difference between the bottom and a bite but tough enough to tackle the carp!!!
I have to say I'm on the Ugly Stik bandwagon.
casting- bass pro shops bionic blade
spinning- abu garcia vendetta
A Cabelas graphite spinning rod I got in 1994. I spooled on some early spiderwire or some kevlar and took it to Alaska. I'll never forget those first graylings, the hard feel of the taps and bites was like I had never felt before. I still have it and it is almost worn out, but I'll use it til it breaks.
My GLX By G-Loomis... Have owned alot of rods. This one is hands down the top of the heap.
the rod i take on every trip would be my berkly amp as i find it to be a well rounded pole have caught many panfish on it and several bass and trout, but my ultra light ugly stick would have to be my favorite i have caught numerous fish with it largest being a 13 lb carp.
4.5' Ugly Stik. Tougher than the willow jungles I inevitably get into and surprisingly sensitive.
My old Fenwick HMG GTC 699 triggerstik. 33 Bass over ten pounds on that broomstick.
galgrabe im with u. g loomis sall the way. untill u feel the diff these rods make in seperating the feel of bouncing of rocks and bouncing of that 6 lbs cutties jaw line u wont understand what make these rods so special. plus... life time warranty. win win.
Shimano Crucial. Haven't bought it yet, but got to fish one for a bit. Nooooiiiiice!!!!
Actually some of my favorite rods are not very expensive. I have bought several Shakespeare Excursions from Walmart. It is funny I have several rods that cost a lot more money, but If I could only have one I would pick that one up. I can feel bass sniff the bait with that one.

I think it is all confidence in what we have caught a lot of fish on. Most would sneeze at that rod.

Actually the rod that I like the most is one that I haven't bought yet. Everytime I go in sportsmans I have to feel the St. Croix Mojo series. They just feel great in my hand. I will probably break down and get the drop shot model some day.


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