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Wader repair question
I have come to discover that I have a small leak from a puncture in the neoprene foot of my breathable waders. It is not much of a problem right now in my tubing, but as we move to cooler temps and fall trout action, it will be.

Will aqua seal take care of this or do I need to consider a patch of some type?
[cool][#0000ff]I have successfully patched a lot of neoprene leaks with Aquaseal.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Definitely better to seal the hole now than wait until the chilly waters of late season.[/#0000ff]
Aqua Seal here too. You don't need a big o gob of it either. Just smear it on. There are a ton of videos on youtube about wader repair.
Aquaseal. But it does take a long time for it to dry even with a thin coat as Old Troller wisely suggested.
So I recommend the accelerator as well, but NEW is this quick fix kit with patches:
If Aquaseal didn't work, try using Shoe Goo. Also, if you need to send it back to Simms, you can borrow one of my spares. I have one that should/may/could fit you. I am not implying anything, here Wink

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