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8 Ball, Chick Cff #8 night, LM, 7/8/11, Cigarman09
I hadn't planned on fishing this tournament because A, I was originally fishing by myself and B i suck at night fishing. 2 years ago, I lost a good buddy who past away fishing a night tourney by himself. My wife has never let me fish alone at night because of this and I understand why, anyhow, long story short, i found a guy at work who had never fished a tournament but wanted to give it a try so we showed up at the ramp ready to go. By 9 pm we had a limit weighing 9.5 lbs fishing ledges in 15 fow on a plum yum 10" worm. By 10:15 he thought it was time to weigh in and I informed him that weigh in wasn't until 2 and by that time it was too late. He had a booty call and was ready to go.... mind you he is 18 years old and I guess my hummingbird graphs didn't look as good as the 18 year old who works at pizza hut so he was ready to head back to the ramp at the dam. When I dropped him off I headed back up river and it started a downpoor so I got fed up and headed to the house. Congrats to all that fished well through the darkness and rain..... I applaud you. I guess I will have to take the tourney I was in Joplin working and this last night tourney as my drops so I can stay in the hunt for AOY with jmax, dropshot, pointer and Churly and many others. Anybody that can catch them at night has my respect because I simply loose all faith when the sun goes down and completely turn into an ignorant angler. The next night tournament will be a survival task for me. <br />

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