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Little streams and the high country
I haven't posted much of my fishing this summer as I keep forgetting to take my camera with me fishing. I have missed shots of some beautiful country and fish. So today I managed to remember it, then found that after two pictures the battery was dead!!! But saved once again as the spare battery was in my bag. Of course I remembered it AFTER I had been fishing awhile! [:/]

As the snow is going off the high country, I decided to try out some small streams in the upper reaches. Man, was it ever a beautiful day up there! Nothing else smells as good as sun on the pines and firs.

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I tried out several little creeks and lots of beaver ponds. The willow jungles were fierce though -- they got one of my knee pads today!

So far this year I have lost a chamois cloth, a pair of nail clippers and now a knee pad. They were all grabbed by the vicious wild willows and hawthorn bushes. Yes, I have littered. I just don't know where I littered! Does it count in the balance that I picked up a couple of beer cans and water bottles in exchange???

One creek was so clear it was really hard to get a fly on the water with out spooking the fish. The fish weren't real big -- about 8 to 10 inches, but they were sure pretty --- little wild cutthroats.

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In contrast another stream still had a little runoff, but more nice cutthroats. -- A little color to the water sure made it easier to catch them too!

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Still lots of brush to fight with! Thank goodness for a short 3wt rod!

Coming down I found that most of the population of two states were on their way up to camp for the weekend!! Friday afternoon is not the best time to be coming down the mountain roads. I almost got run over by two four wheelers, a travel trailer, and a deer. The deer was probably trying to get out of the invasion also! [img]../../../images/gforum/shocked.gif[/img] [laugh][laugh]

All in all --- A GREAT DAY!
Nice report, makes me want to go find some small streams.[cool]
Great report! Creek fishing is one of my favorite things to do. Looks like a great time.

Keep that camera with you! Way cool pics, Looks like you know places. I like that fish!

Nice report. Hopefully next week I will find a few streams to fish. I really think stream fishing is the most peaceful type of fishing overall.

Very nice report, thanks. Evidently you found one of the few mountain meadows not trashed by cows. No need to give the location but were you on Forest Service, BLM and were there really no cows? Thanks
It is National Forest land. Yes, there are some cows in the area, but it is being very well managed. It isn't overloaded or overgrazed.

Frankly, in some of the willow thickets I could have use a cow path or two!!!

Lower down stream it gets narrower which concentrates the stock in closer on to the stream's riparian zone. Then in some areas it is a little too much impact on the banks, but only in one or two spots that the cows have adopted as favorites. At least that I saw.
i did some small stream fishing while i was in wyoming over by pig piney... i was fishing south and middle piney crk as well as middle piney lake.. it was alot of fun..

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